UDA Underwriting Condition
To specify the condition under which insurance coverage is offered
Code specifying the basis on which the underwriter offers to provide coverage
A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content
UDA02 is the reason for the condition under which the coverage is offered.
Code specifying the type of quantity
P0304: If either UDA-03 or UDA-04 is present, then the other is required
Numeric value of quantity
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
C050304: If UDA-05 is present, then UDA-03 and UDA-04 are required
UDA05 is the length of time, such as years, months, or days, for which the condition applies.
Monetary amount
C060304: If UDA-06 is present, then UDA-03 and UDA-04 are required
UDA06 is the amount of a flat extra rating.
Percentage expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.0 through 1.0 represents 0% through 100%)
UDA07 is a table rating expressed as a percentage.
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