DAM Damage Information
To identify the part of the vehicle that was damaged
Code indicating the condition of the damage at the time of the report
R0102: At least one of DAM-01 or DAM-02 is required
Code representing the location on the vehicle where the damage was repaired
Monetary amount
DAM03 is the repair cost of the damaged area.
Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified
DAM04 is the currency that applies to the repair cost in DAM03, DAM07, DAM10, DAM13, and DAM16.
Code indicating the condition of the damage at the time of the report
Code representing the location on the vehicle where the damage was repaired
Monetary amount
L070506: If DAM-07 is present, then at least one of DAM-05 or DAM-06 is required
DAM07 is the repair cost of the damaged area.
Code indicating the condition of the damage at the time of the report
Code representing the location on the vehicle where the damage was repaired
Monetary amount
L100809: If DAM-10 is present, then at least one of DAM-08 or DAM-09 is required
DAM10 is the repair cost of the damaged area.
Code indicating the condition of the damage at the time of the report
Code representing the location on the vehicle where the damage was repaired
Monetary amount
L131112: If DAM-13 is present, then at least one of DAM-11 or DAM-12 is required
DAM13 is the repair cost of the damaged area.
Code indicating the condition of the damage at the time of the report
Code representing the location on the vehicle where the damage was repaired
Monetary amount
L161415: If DAM-16 is present, then at least one of DAM-14 or DAM-15 is required
DAM16 is the repair cost of the damaged area.