235 Product/Service ID Qualifier

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
00Credit Card
A1Plant Equipment Number
Item identifier is a plant equipment number
A2Department of Defense Identification Code (DoDIC)
Qualifies a code that uniquely identifies a type of explosive or ammunition
A3Locally Assigned Control Number
Item identifier is a locally assigned control number used to catalog and manage material
A4Subsistence Identification Number
Item identifier is a brand-name resale subsistence item
A5Application State or Province
A6Document Identification Code
Item identifier subclassifies the intended use of the transaction
A7Subline Item Number
A further subdivision of a contract or exhibit line item that identifies a specific part of that contract or exhibit line item
A8Exhibit Line Item Number
The line item of a document referenced in and appended to a procurement instrument which establishes a delivery requirement
AAAssembly Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 32
Assembly within the vehicle system that contains the causal component
ACAggregation Code (Used to Consolidate Part Families)
ADAmerican Dental Association Codes
This association's membership consists of U.S. dentists. It sets standards for the dental profession
AESerial Item and Contribution Identifier (Defined in ANSI 239.56)
AFFront Axle Serial Number
The period during which, after distillation and before bottling, distilled spirits have been stored in oak containers
AHBillboards Commercial
AIAlternate ISBN
AJPiggyback Commercial
AKRefined Product Code
ALAxle Serial Number
AMAllocation Methodology Identification Code
ANAsset Number
APComponent Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 33
Casual component within the vehicle assembly
AQAppraisal Product Type
ARARINC Part Number
ASRear Axle Serial Number
ATAssortability Code
AUAppraisal Service
AVAdditional Product Identification Assigned by the Manufacturer
EAN.UCC (EAN International .Uniform Code Council) Application Identifier 240
AWWell Number
AXAssembly Lot Number
A serialization number identifying good's manufacturing location
AYSystem Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 31
System within the vehicle that contains the casual assembly
AZAxle Ratio
B1Volume Set
B2Library of Congress Code
B3Edition Code
B4Binding Code
B5Title Code
B6Author Code
B7Publisher Code
B8Batch Number
B9Front Axle Driven Serial Number
BABale Number
BBPrint Color Standard Reference
Customer decides after trial run of a print on a pre-dyed fabric a point of reference for the shade of the print color, light or darkness of the print; this reference then becomes a standard for the finisher to go by - as a customer orders fabric this code is used to identify to finisher the shade of the print on the fabric
BCSupplier Brand Code
BDBuyer Ground Shade Identifier
For each color there are various degrees of the color red for instance has degrees chinese red, fire engine red, etc; to each degree a symbol called ground shade is established by both the buyer and seller; to the buyer it might be fire engine red, whereas to the seller the same classification might have a different symbol; need to identify both in a purchase order
BEBuyer's Engineering Change Level Number
BFVendor Ground Shade Identifier
For each color there are various degrees of the color red for instance has degrees chinese red, fire engine red, etc; to each degree a symbol called ground shade is established by both the buyer and seller; to the buyer it might be fire engine red, whereas to the seller the same classification might have a different symbol; need to identify both in a purchase order
BGGround Shade Standard Reference
Buyer established shade reference at time first lot was dyed; this refers seller (dyer) back to a previous lot to match the shade
BHFinish/Hand Standard Reference
Fabrics can be finished in many types of finish: water repellent, Scotch Guard, etc.; within each finish a mill can create a degree of softness or hardness depending on how fabric should feel to the customer; this degree is assigned a reference number for reordering purposes
BIRear Axle Rear Non Driven Serial Number
BJApplication Completion Method
BMBeam Number
BNBar-Coded Serial Number
BOBuyers Color
BPBuyer's Part Number
BQBenefit ID
BRCompensation Type Code
BSBill Subgroup Code
BTVolume Type Identification Code
BUBus Body Serial Number
BVBeverage Common Code
BWCompensation Allocation Code
BXBill Credit Code
BYConcept Code
BZCoverage Type
C2Connector Type
C4Configuration Item Identifier
C5Insurance Plan Description Characteristics
C6Asset Type
C7Asset Category
A description of the scope of investment assets
C8Fund Sub-Advisor
C9Dun & Bradstreet Standard Product and Service Code
CBBuyer's Catalog Number
CCCompatible Cut Number
CDMotor Vehicle-Line Designator
CEClass of Contract Code
CFChassis Serial Number
CGCommodity Grouping
CHCountry of Origin Code
CICommon Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI)
CJCurrent Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes
Published by the AMA. It is a listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians; the uniform language accurately designates medical, surgical, and diagnostic services, and thereby provides reliable communications among physicians, patients, and payers
CKCandidate Oil
CMNational Retail Federation Color Code
CNCommodity Name
COChemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number
CPCarry-over Part Number
CQEquipment Code per COPAS standard
CRContract Number
CSService code per COPAS standard
CTContinuation (ID Number Spans Multiple Product ID Data Elements)
CUCut Number
CVCustomer Provided Equipment
The termination equipment being used will be provided by the customer
CWContract Activity Code
CXCompletion Number
CYCustomer Company Registry Number
CZCountry from which Procured
Country from which the item was obtained
D1Underwriting Method of Direct Writer
D2Medical Information Bureau (MIB) Authorization
D3Policy Form
D4Plan Code
D5Coverage Risk Type
D6Medical Stop Loss Level Codes
D7Medical Stop Loss Coverage Codes
D8Medical Stop Loss Product Line Codes
DAAutomobile Repair Product Code
DEDesign Number
DFDevice Family
DGDiscount Grouping
DHTransport4 Commodity Code
DIDeposit Item Number
DLDye Lot Number
DMCommittee for Uniform Security Identification Procedure Number (CUSIP) Number
DNDie Number
DODividend Use
DPDiscontinued Part Number
DQEvent Type
DRDrawing Revision Number
DSGroup ID
DTDevice Type
DUJoint Life Type
DVLocation Code
DWNonforfeiture Option
DXInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Diagnosis
The International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), Volumes I, II (diagnoses) and III (procedures), describes the classification of morbidity and mortality information for statistical purposes and for the indexing of healthcare records by diseases and procedures; this is a diagnosis code
DYPremium Rate Type
DZDiagnosis Code Pointer
E1Contract Change Authorization Type
E2Fund Abbreviation
E3Fund Type
E4Related Policy Identification
E5Tax Code
E6Contract Transfer Reason Code
EAEAN-99 In-store Coupon Code
EBFuel Tank Serial Number
ECEngineering Change Level
EDEngine Displacement Identification
EEPremium Use
EFExhibit Identifier
Identification letter for an exhibit attached to a solicitation.
EGPurpose of Insurance
EHSales Presentation ID
EIExpense Identifier
EJService Feature ID
EKSettlement/Payout Option
ELBuyer's Subline Item Number
A subset of a buyer's item number (e.g., the relationship of a contract subline item number to its corresponding contract line item number
EMEquipment Identification Number
Product identification number
Data structure for the 13 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
Data structure for the 8 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
EPBuyer's End Product Number
EQEquipment Type
ERJurisdiction Specific Procedure and Supply Codes
ESEngine Serial Number
EUSkill Code
EXExchanged Part, Assembly or Product
EZShift Worked
F1Catalog Number
Item identifier specifies a manufacturer's catalog that applies to an item
F2Technical Order Number
Item identifier specifies a technical order that applies to an item
F3Technical Manual Number
Item identifier specifies the technical manual listing the item
F4Series Identifier
An identification of equipment having the same basic design but not necessarily identical configurations (within the equipment model)
F5Obligation Authority Number
Item identifier specifies the funding authority related to an expense or procurement
F6First Prior Identifier
F7End-Item Description
Item identifier describes an end-item associated with the use of the required material
F8Next Higher Used Assembly
Item identifier describes the next higher assembly associated with the use of the required material
F9Former Publisher
FAFailed Subassembly Serial Number
FBForm Number
FCCoupon Family Code
FFFifth Wheel Serial Number
FGFund Manager
FHFreddie Mac Affordable Lending Product Code
FIFinish Number
FJFannie Mae Affordable Lending Product Code
FKFreddie Mac Project Condominium Classification Code
FLFinish Lot Number
FMFailed Subassembly Model Number
FNFinal Test Lot Number
A serialization number identifying the final test event of goods
FPFabric Pieces Per Roll
FQFannie Mae Project Condominium Classification Code
FRFront Axle, Rear
FSNational Stock Number
FTFederal Supply Classification
FUNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) Product Code
FVDrug Identification Number (DIN)
FWNew Microcode
Microcode: 1) One or more microinstructions, 2) A code, representing the instructions of an instruction set, that is implemented in a part of storage that is not program-addressable
FXFederal Supply Group
GCGrade Code
GDGrain Direction
GEGeneric Name Description
GIGraphics Industry Bar Code (GIBC)
GKGlider Kit
In the automotive industry a "glider kit" is the term for an incomplete vehicle with a vehicle identification number assigned and is typically manufactured without an engine, transmission, driveline, or rear axle(s); often the glider kit is used as the replacement shell for a vehicle involved in an accident
GMGeneral Services Administration (GSA) Special Item Number
GNGrade Name
GQGroup Qualifier Code
GRGear Ratio
GSGeneral Specification Number
GUVolume Usage Identification Code
HCHealth Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Codes
HCFA coding scheme to group procedure(s) performed on an outpatient basis for payment to hospital under Medicare; primarily used for ambulatory surgical and other diagnostic departments
HDInternational Harmonized Commodity Code
For customs authority purposes, the class and description of a subject part or material item per harmonized agreements on tariff commodity codes
HIHIBC (Health Care Industry Bar Code) Supplier Labeling Standard Primary Data Message
The primary data message consists of the LIC (Labeler Identification Code), product catalog number, and unit-of-measure identifier
HNHeat Number
HPHealth Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) Skilled Nursing Facility Rate Code
IAInformation Media Type
IBInternational Standard Book Number (ISBN)
ICInterior Color Number
IDInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Procedure
The International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), Volumes I, II (diagnoses) and III (procedures), describes the classification of morbidity and mortality information for statistical purposes and for the indexing of healthcare records by diseases and procedures; this is a procedure code
IEInsurer's Fund Code
IFInvestment Fund Type
IGIgnition Key Number
IICommodity Item Identification
IMImprint (Trademark Code of Subsidiary)
INBuyer's Item Number
IQIRS Qualification Code
ISInternational Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
ITBuyer's Style Number
IVHome Infusion EDI Coalition (HIEC) Product/Service Code
IWInterchangeability Code
Air Transport Association code specifying the interchangeability level among components
IZBuyer's Size Code
JBCommission Identifier
JCCommission Year
JDContribution Year
JNJob Number
JPPackage Type Code
Packaging method used for manufacturer product
JSJob Sequence Number
KAEngineering Data List
KBData Category Code
KDReplacement National Stock Number
KEMilitary Standard
KFItem Type Number
KGTime Compliant Technical Order
KICognizance Symbol
KJMaterial Control Code
KKSpecial Material Identification Code
KLItem Management Code
KMShelf-Life Code
KNShelf-Life Action Code
KPKanban Plan Number
L1Program Level
L2Topic Level
L3Subtopic Level
L4Life/Annuity Service Features
L5Line of Authority
L6Lube, Synthetic
LALabor Group
LBLogical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) Codes
LCLaboratory Test Condition Code
LDSNOMED, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
LGLift Gate Serial Number
LMLottery Game Number
LNLottery Pack/Book Number
LPLife/Annuity Product Code
LRLease Number
LSLoad Sequence
LTLot Number
LULot Pricing Unit Number
MAMachine Number
MBMeasurement Type Code
MCMortgage Credit Data Order Type
MDMethod of Delivery Code
MEMarket Program Code
MGManufacturer's Part Number
MHMedication Code
MIMortgage Insurance Product Code or Number
MJManual Transmission Serial Number
MKFront Axle Non Driven Serial Number
MMMotor Equipment Manufacturing Association (MEMA) Product Type Code
MNModel Number
MOMovement Type Code
MPMortgage Product Code
MQMortgage Underwriting Type
MRMaintenance Index Page Reference Number
MSMilitary Specification (MILSPEC) Number
MTMajor Product/Material/Machine Type
MUAuthorized Parts List Number
MVEquipment Location
MWEquipment Hierarchical Sequence Identifier
MXRepair Induction Identifier
N1National Drug Code in 4-4-2 Format
4-digit manufacturer ID, 4-digit product ID, 2-digit trade package size
N2National Drug Code in 5-3-2 Format
5-digit manufacturer ID, 3-digit product ID, 2-digit trade package size
N3National Drug Code in 5-4-1 Format
5-digit manufacturer ID, 4-digit product ID, 1-digit trade package size
N4National Drug Code in 5-4-2 Format
5-digit manufacturer ID, 4-digit product ID, 2-digit trade package size
N5National Health Related Item Code in 5-5 Format
N6National Health Related Item Code in 4-6 Format
NDNational Drug Code (NDC)
NEYarn Count - English
Identifies that the spun yarn number is expressed in English units
NGNational Glass Association (NAGS) Number
NHNational Health Related Item Code
NMYarn Count - Metric
Identifies that the spun yarn number is expressed in Metric units
NRNon-resaleable item (excluding deposit) number
NUNational Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB92 Codes
NWNew Replacement Part or Assembly Defective
NZCombined NCCMA/Bank Service Code
O0Old UCC-12
Code used to identify the old identifier used in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 12 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
O7Old EAN/UCC-13
Code used to identify the old identifier used in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 13 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
O8Old EAN/UCC-14
Code used to identify the old identifier used in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 14 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
O9Old Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
Code used to identify the old identifier used in the life cycle of an item
OAOld U.P.C./EAN Case Code
OBOld U.P.C./EAN Multipack Code
OCOld U.P.C./EAN Consumer Package Code
ODOld U.P.C./EAN Module Code
OEOriginal Equipment Number
OFOld Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) Code
Old Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) codes are distinctive codes that provide a standard method of identifying telecommunications equipment or products in a uniform feature-oriented language
OGOld Microcode
Microcode: 1) One or more microinstructions, 2) A code, representing the instructions of an instruction set, that is implemented in a part of storage that is not program-addressable
OHOpposite-Hand Part Number
OIOptical Industry Product Code
OLOptical Cable Code
ONCustomer Order Number
OOOutside Production Operation Sheet Number
The specific engineering level or release to be used for the manufacture of the material being procured
OPObsolete Part Number
OROffer Number
OTInternal Number
OUOriginal Unit of Issue
P1Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
P2Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
P3Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Tubular Code
P4Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Non-Tubular Code
P5Material Discharge Number
Number identifying the point where material is discharged
P6Pump, Fire
P7Previous Carrier
P8Retail Price Look Up Number (PLU)
The number of single yarns twisted together to form a plied yarn
PAPattern Number
PBPetroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
PCPrime Contractor Part Number
PDPart Number Description
PEPieces in Roll
PFPetroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
PGPackaging Specification Number
PHProperty and Casualty Service Code
PIPurchaser's Item Code
PJProduct Date Code (A code indicating the period during which a product was manufactured.)
PKPackaging Drawing
PLPurchaser's Order Line Number
PMNumber of Positions on Machine
PNCompany Part Number
POPurchase Order Number
PPAir Transportation Association Proprietary Rights Code
Primary procurement source for the subject part number and the relationship of proprietary rights to the originator of the data
PQProduct ID Attribute Code
PRProcess Number
PTPrint or Drawing
PUPart Reference Number
Often on a part or subassembly drawing there is a reference number shown that is not a part number but may refer to a set of notes for use in fabrication, assembly, or in repairing the item; it may refer to a physical location within the product, such as location of a particular part on a truck engine, or to a reference to a circuit location on an electronic assembly
PVAdvertising Package Identification Code
PWPart Drawing
PXSecondary Ply
The number of plied yarns twisted together to form a thick strand yarn, also known as cabling
PYOperator Assigned Property Identification
Number assigned by the operator to the physical property where the drilling is conducted; the number is used to identify the product or service for which the joint partner is being billed
PZProduct Change Notice Number
R0Replacement UCC-12
Code used to identify the replacement identifier in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 12 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
R1Replacement Subassembly Model Number
R2Replacement Subassembly Serial Number
R3Rear Axle, Middle
R4Rear Axle, Pusher
R5Rear Axle, Tag
R6Rear Axle, Extended Tag
R7Replacement EAN/UCC-13
Code used to identify the replacement identifier in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 13 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
R8Replacement EAN/UCC-14
Code used to identify the replacement identifier in the life cycle of an item Data structure for the 14 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
R9Replacement Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
Code used to identify the replacement identifier in the life cycle of an item
RAReturn Code
RBNational Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB82 Codes
RCReturnable Container Number
RDReel Number
REReefer Serial Number
RFRepair From Product Code
Identifies a broken product that is to be used in a repair process to create a new product with different attributes
RGReference Oil
RHRadiator Serial Number
RIRear Axle Front Rear Driven Serial Number
RJRear Axle Rear Driven Serial Number
RKRack Number
RLRate Detail Card
RMRelated Model Number
RNRelease Number
RORoll Number
RPReplaced Part Number
RQAutomobile Rental Charge Item Code
RRReplacement Product Number
RSSet Number
RTReel Type
RURun Number
RVRepair Tag Number
RWRelative Value Units
RYRecord Keeping or Model Year
RZRelated Model Type
S1Shipper's Item Number
S2Second Prior Identifier
S4Laboratory Sample Identification
S5State Sample Identification
S6Previous Sample Identification
S7Source of Deposit Code
S8Source of Lead Code
SASchematic Diagram Reference Number
SBSubmission Number
A sequential number indicating the number of times a lot has been submitted for a certain test event
SCSeller's Date Code
SDSupplier Company Registry Number
SESection Print Number
SFSurface Finish
SGSeat Serial Number
SHService Requested
A numeric or alphanumeric code from a list of services available to the customer
SIStandard Industrial Classification Code
SJReligious Retail Non-book Item
SKStock Keeping Unit (SKU)
SLSeller's Lot Number
SMNational Retail Federation Size Code
SNSerial Number
SOSystem Identifier
SPSuperseded Purchase Order Number
When moving material from one customer to another, the material is being taken off of the Superseded P.O. and put on a new purchase order number; this will allow tracking of the material to the original P.O. Number when the superseded purchase order number is used to specifically identify the item
SQRoll Sequence Number
SRSubstitute Product Number
SSSuperseded Part Number
STStyle Number
SUSide Up/Side Down
SVService Rendered
SWStock Number
SXSleeper Box Key Number
SYSleeper Box Serial Number
SZVendor Alphanumeric Size Code
A system of numbering yarns of all types of fibers; extensively used outside the U.S. for classification of exports
T3Third Prior Identifier
TAPipeline Transaction Code
TBAssociation for Financial Professionals Service Code and Bank Service Code
Six-digit Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) Service Code and a proprietary code assigned by the vendor
TCTelecommunications Circuit ID
TDTreatment Codes
TEAssociation for Financial Professionals Service Code
Six-digit Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) Service Code
TFThe Air Cargo Tariff (TACT) Commodity Code
TGAutomatic Transmission Serial Number
THTransfer Case Serial Number
TITrade In Identifier
TJAuxiliary Transmission Serial Number
TKTransmission, Auxillary
TMTelephone Industry Manufacturer Code
TNRailroad-Owned Unit Train Number
Railroad Train Number composed of cars containing the same commodity with the same origin and destination
TPProduct Type Code
TRTruck Body Serial Number
TSTransmission Serial Number
TTType Selvage
TUTested Material Identification Number
TVLine of Business
TWProgram Code
TXFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) Service Bulletin Number
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Service Bulletin number which authorizes replacement of a subject part by the replacing part number
TYTelecommunications Industry Service Code
TZProgram Description Identifier
U2U.P.C. Shipping Container Code (1-2-5-5)
A 13-digit code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's shipping unit, including the packaging indicator; the first digit is the packaging indicator, the next two digits are the number system characters, the next five digits are the manufacturer ID number, and the remaining five digits are the item code
U3United Nations Common Coding System (UNCCS)
U5Broker Price Opinion Service
U6Real Estate Property Information Service
UAU.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5)
UBU.P.C./EAN Multipack Code
UCProduct Variant
UDU.P.C./EAN Consumer Package Code (2-5-5)
UEU.P.C./EAN Module Code (2-5-5)
UFUser-Defined Shipping Container Identifier
UGDrug U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-4-6-1)
A specific instance of the Univeral Product Code that uses a 4-digit manufacturer identifier code and a 6-digit product code
UHDrug U.P.C. Shipping Container Code (1-2-4-6-1)
A specific instance of the U.P.C. Shipping Container Code that uses a 4-digit manufacturer identifier code and a 6-digit product code
UIU.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5)
UJU.P.C./EAN Coupon Code (2-5-5)
UKGTIN 14-digit Data Structure
Data structure for the 14 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
ULU.P.C. Coupon Code (1-5-5-1)
UMUniversal Vendor Marking, Short Code (UVM; U Line)
UNU.P.C. Case Code Number (1-1-5-5)
UOEAN.UCC Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
A 20 digit number comprising Application Identifier (AI) '00' and SSCC
UPUCC - 12
Data structure for the 12 digit EAN.UCC (EAN International.Uniform Code Council) Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN). Also known as the Universal Product Code (U.P.C.)
UQUnited Nations (UN) Number (Dangerous Goods)
URUCC/EAN-128 Coupon Extended Code
USUniform Stock Symbol System Code Number
UTCompany-Owned Unit Train Number
Company Train Number composed of cars containing the same commodity with the same origin and destination
UVUniversal Vendor Marking, Long Code (UVM; R,P,M Lines)
UXUniversal Product Number
A unique identifier of a healthcare product
VAVendor's Style Number
VBVendor's Engineering Change Level Number
VCVendor's (Seller's) Catalog Number
VEVendor Color
VIVary Item Product Number
VMVehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards
VNVendor's (Seller's) Item Number
VOVendor's Order Number
VPVendor's (Seller's) Part Number
VSVendor's Supplemental Item Number
The harvest year of the grapes that are part of the composition of a particular wine
VUVendor's Basic Unit Number
VVMotor Vehicle ID Number
VXVendor's Specification Number
W1End Item Serial Number
The serial number assigned to the entire end-item assembly
W2Work Unit Number
Number assigned for type of work or service identification associated with the product
W5Reclamation Process
Material must be reclaimed from a higher level system prior to release to Defense Reutilization and Marketing
W6Woolen Run
U.S. system for numbering wool yarn using run process
W7Woolen Cut
U.S. system for numbering wool yarn using cut process
WARandom Weight Aggregation Code
WBCar Class Code
WCWorld Code
WDAirline Flight Code
WEFare Basis Code
WFService Class Code
WGStop Over Code
WJTelecom Service Type
WKAdvanced Billing Concepts (ABC) Codes
WLWafer Lot Identifier
A serialization number identifying the manufacturer of integrated circuit wafers
WRYarn Count Worsted
System for numbering spun yarn of long staple fibers
WSWheel Chair Lift Serial Number
XAPreferred Part Number
XCExpendable Container Identification
XPPreferred National Stock Number
XQPreferred Manufacturer
XZContractor Establishment Code
YPPublication Number
ZBCommercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
A code that identifies a commercial contractor authorized to do business with the U.S. government
ZRService Control Identification
ZZMutually Defined

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