1141 Academic Credit Type Code
Code indicating the type of credit used (awarded) by the institution
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 1
- Codes
Code Description 3 Trimester Hour Credit 5 Quinmester Hour Credit A Adult Credits C Continuing Education Unit Uniform unit of measurement used in the U.S. reflecting participation in organized continuing (non-credit) education programs under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction; one unit equals ten contact hoursG Carnegie Units One year's study time (at least 120 hours) of any one subject in secondary school as defined by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to help clarify college entrance requirements; a standard of measurement that represents one credit for the completion of a one-year course; 16 to 30 Carnegie units completed in a four-year period is the typical requirement for a standard high school diploma in the U.SI Intersession Hour Credit L Long Session Hour Credit M Mini-term Hour Credit N No Credit A remedial course or other course that is offered without academic creditQ Quarter Hour Credit The numerical credit value awarded for a course by an institution following the quarter calendar; one quarter credit hour usually represents one classroom hour per week in a standard quarter session; a baccalaureate degree normally requires completion of about 180 quarter credit hoursR Summer Term Hour Credit S Semester Hour Credit The numerical credit value awarded for a course by an institution following a semester calendar; one semester credit hour normally represents one classroom hour per week in a standard semester session; a baccalaureate degree normally requires completion of 120 semester credit hoursT Twelve-month Hour Credit U Units The amount of credit offered for a course; in secondary schools, one hour in class per day, five days a week, for a subject normally counts as one course unit of that subjectV Vocational Credits Credits offered by vocational and technical institutions; certain states or institutions may have a formula for equating vocational credits to other units or creditsX Other Type of Credit Credits offered by institutions outside the United States
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