SPA Status of Product or Activity
To indicate the details and status of a product or product activity
Code identifying the status of a business transaction, such as a claim, policy, real estate, or securities transaction
Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format
P0203: If either SPA-02 or SPA-03 is present, then the other is required
Expression of a date, a time, or range of dates, times or dates and times
Code to qualify amount
P0405: If either SPA-04 or SPA-05 is present, then the other is required
Monetary amount
Code indicating the status reason
Code indicating the status reason
Code indicating the status reason
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
P0910: If either SPA-09 or SPA-10 is present, then the other is required
A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic
SPA10 identifies the portion of the product or service being reported.
A reference that indicates the table or text maintained by the Source Qualifier
SPA11 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in SPA09.
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