CI Carrier Interchange Agreement
To identify motor carriers and the status of their interchange agreements
Free-form name
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)
P0304: If either CI-03 or CI-04 is present, then the other is required
Code identifying a party or other code
Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)
P0506: If either CI-05 or CI-06 is present, then the other is required
Code identifying a party or other code
Code identifying status of carrier interchange agreement
Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time
P0809: If either CI-08 or CI-09 is present, then the other is required
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time
P1011: If either CI-10 or CI-11 is present, then the other is required
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
Free-form name
Code qualifying the Reference Identification
P1314: If either CI-13 or CI-14 is present, then the other is required
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier