692 Conveyance Code

Code indicating rate application

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 1
1Package Express
CTruck - Rail - Truck
DApplies to deregulated (US ICC) carload rail, other than piggyback
FRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Door-to-Door
GRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Plan 3
HRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Plan 4
IApplies to regulated intermodal traffic
JAir Freight
KAir Freight Forwarder
LAir Taxi
NSurface Freight Forwarder
PApplied To Deregulated (US ICC) Piggyback
QShipper Agent
RApplies to regulated carload rail other than piggyback.
SDriveaway Service
TTowaway Service
UDriveaway and Towaway Service
VWater/Pipeline Intermodal Movements
WShipper Agent (Truck/Rail/Truck)
ZShipper Association

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