240 Car Service Order Code

Code specifying car service order

Identifier (ID)
Min 3 / Max 5
145Empty car under directive CSD145
145ALoaded car under directive CSD145 that is to return to agent at city specified
145SLoaded car under directive CSD145 that is to return to shipper at billed origin
145XAssigned TTX car that is to be returned to shipper at billed origin by reverse of loaded move
150Unassigned special equipped car that is to be handled in accordance with the provisions of directive CSD150
150XUnassigned TTX car that is to be handled in accordance with trailer train directive 150
155Empty car under CSD155
155ALoaded car under directive CSD155 that is to return to agent at city specified
155SLoaded car under directive CSD155 that is to return to shipper at billed origin
435Empty car under directive CSD435
435ALoaded car under directive CSD435 that is to return to agent at city specified
435SLoaded car under directive CSD435 that is to return to shipper at billed origin
439Special heavy duty flat car that is to be handled under the provisions of directive CSD439
34617Car being returned per car owner's instructions
34618Car being returned per the pool operator's instructions
34619Car being returned per AAR/ICC instructions
CMD1ALoaded TTX cars under directive CMD1 that are to be returned to the origin road at the city specified
CMD1SLoaded TTX cars under directive CMD1 that are to be returned to shipper at billed origin
CSR5Empty Car Moving Under Car Service Rule 5 Charges

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