150 Special Charge or Allowance Code
Code identifying type of special charge or allowance
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 3 / Max 3
- Codes
Code Description 002 Renewal 003 Account Number Correction Charge 004 Dividend 005 Activation of Carnet 006 Overpayment 007 Suspense 008 Balance Forward 009 Dividend Interest 010 Add on - Destination 011 Loan Interest 012 Premium Waiver 015 Add on - Origin 016 Dividend Adjustment 017 Interest 020 Address Correction 025 Advance Destination Amount 026 Integrated Business Services (IBS) Service Charge 027 Special Packaging 028 Box Liners 029 Product Personalization 030 Advance Destination Fee 031 Tape Charges 032 Subject to Tax 035 Advance Origin Amount 040 Advance Origin Fee 045 Advance Fee 050 Agent Disbursement - Destination 055 Agent Disbursement Fee - Destination 060 Agent Disbursement - Origin 065 Agent Disbursement Fee - Origin 070 Air Export Certificate 075 Air Express Charge 080 Air Transportation Charge 085 Airline Opening Fee 090 Airport Tax - Destination 095 Airport Tax - Origin 100 Airport Terminal Handling Charge 105 Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD) 110 Amending Export Documentation 115 Assembly Fee 120 Banking Drafts 135 Cables (sending of) 140 Call Tag 145 Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance 150 Canadian Currency Exchange 155 Canadian Import Termination Fee 160 Canadian Reconsignment Fee 165 Canadian Remanifest Fee 170 Certificate of Origin 175 Certificate of Registration 180 Chamber of Commerce Service Charge 185 Change of Airbill - Service Fee 186 Chemical Milling Charge 190 City Terminal Charge 205 Collect Surcharge 210 Constant Surveillance Service 215 Consular Legalization Service 220 Consularization Fee 225 Constant Surveillance Service - Armed 230 Credit 235 Customer Account Identification 240 Customs Broker Fee 245 Customs Invoice 250 Customs Invoice - Additional Page 255 Data/Drawing Charge 260 Delivery Surcharge 265 Development Charge 270 Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr. 275 Discount - Incentive 280 Discount - Multiple Shipment 285 Discount - Service Option (Delivery) 290 Discount - Service Option (Pickup) 295 Discount - Special 297 Contingency Credit Charge 300 Distribution Fee 310 Dry Ice 315 Duty Charge 320 Endorsement Fee 325 Eur1 Presentation Fee 335 Excise Tax - Destination 340 Excise Tax - Origin 345 Expedited One Day Consular Service 350 Expedited Shipments 355 Extra Copies and Mailings 360 Export Customs Clearance 365 Export Declarations - Automated 370 Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers 375 Export License Application 380 Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter 385 Facsimile Charges 390 Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages 392 Failed Lamp Panel Charge 393 First Article Charge 395 Free Domicile Shipment Processing 400 Freight 405 Fuel Surcharge 410 Government Warehouse Fee - Destination 415 Government Warehouse Fee - Origin 416 Grain Flow Charge 420 Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic 425 Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International 426 Heat Treat Charge 430 IATA Airbill Preparation 435 IATA Fee 440 Import Service Fee 445 Insurance Fee 450 Inland Transportation 455 Insurance Premium 460 International Door-to-Door Handling Fee 462 Incorrect Billing Account Charge 465 Italian Release Charge 470 Letter of Credit Processing 475 Mailing - Postage Cost 480 Mailing - Service Fee 485 Messenger Service 490 Minimum Air Transportation Charge 495 Miscellaneous - Destination 500 Miscellaneous - Origin 505 Missing Account NBR Charge 510 Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii 515 On Hand Service 520 Oversized Premium 525 Passing Shippers Export Entry 535 Pickup - Out of Area 540 Pickup Surcharge 545 Pre-Positioned Inventory Service 550 Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin 555 Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice 560 Preparation of Commercial Invoice 565 Preparation of Export Entry 570 Preparation of Insurance Certificate 580 Priority Service 585 Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation 586 Processing Charge 590 Rebilled Drayage - Destination 593 Re-Bill Charge 595 Proforma Invoice 600 Recipient Address Correction 605 Rebilled Drayage - Origin 610 Record/Filing 615 Recovery Fee 620 Recrating/Recoopering - Destination 625 Recrating/Recoopering - Origin 635 Registration of Export Shipments 640 Registration of Export for Reentry 641 Reliability Charge 645 Restricted Article Fee 650 Repickup 665 Saturday Delivery 670 Saturday Pick-Up 675 Security Signature Service 680 Service Upgrade 685 Special Delivery 690 Special Handling Service 695 Special Pickup 696 Special Test Equipment Charge 697 Special Tooling Charge 700 Special Vehicle Rent 705 Stamp Fee 706 Straightening Charge 720 Telephone - Destination 725 Telephone - Origin 730 Terminal Service Fee 731 Test/Qualification Charge 732 Tooling Rework Charge 735 Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers 736 Tracing Service Fee 740 Transfer of Lading Charge 745 Valuation Fee 750 Value Added Tax (VAT) 760 Waybill and Invoice Distribution 761 Written Proof of Delivery 762 X-ray Charge 999 Other (See related description) AAA Advertising Allowance AAJ Adjustments AAM Additional Material AAN Allowance Non-performance AAO Allowance Advance AAS Attendants Accompanying Rail charge for government or contractor personnel accompanying freight shipments on freight trainsAAT Handling Charge Tax ABC Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge ABL Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge ACD Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge ACF Access Charge - Federal Charge to connect the customer to the long distance network, required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)ACH Access Charges Charges to connect the customer to the long distance networkACL Actual Labor Charge Labor actually performed and shown on the servicing outlet's repair order - not necessarily equal to requested labor; labor associated with a single labor operationACS Access Charge - State Charge to connect the customer to the long distance network, required by the State Public Utilities CommissionADH Advance Charges Handling ADL Advance Loading Charge Service charge for advanced loading of bulk fuelADV Advances AFB Additional Copies of Freight Bill AFC Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge AFN Aircraft Ordered But Not Used AGS Armed Guard Service AIB Additional Injection/Blending Service Charge Service charge for providing additional pipeline injection/blending serviceAIC Air Freight - Consolidation AIR Air Freight ALC Advance Lading Charge ALP Use of Alternate Port A charge for using a port of embarkation or debarkation other than the requested portAMB Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing Adjustment to the billed amount for usage billing when the usage charge exceeds the maximum monthly usage chargeAMC Absolute Minimum Charge AMP Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing Adjustment billed amount for billing of WATS usage at the Minimum Average Time Required RateANB Adjustment for Minimum Charges Billing ANC Anchoring and Unanchoring The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform unanchoring services on a mobile home at one location and anchoring services at another location after transportation has been performedANS Anodizing Charge APL Appliance Servicing The additional service charge or order for a carrier to service used household goods appliances by securing the item in such a manner that it will withstand handling and transportationAPT Appointment (Notification) ARB Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges) ARC Air Conditioning Disconnect and Connect The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to disconnect an air conditioning unit attached to a mobile home and reconnecting the air conditioner after transportation from one location to another has been performedARG Rail Armed Guard Service Rail security service requiring one armed guard to inspect and maintain constant 24-hour surveillance on a shipmentARR Air Ride Tractor Service Charge ASC Assembly Charge AUX Auxiliary Service The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide exclusive use of a vehicle as part of the movement of a household goods shipmentAVA Ad Valorem BAA Beaming Charge BAB Brokerage or Duty BAC Buyers Car Allowance BAD Bad Debt BAF Both-Flat BAP Broken Package Charge BAS Base Charge BBK Break Bulk Surface Charge BDX Bordeaux Arbitraries BEY Beyond Freight Charges BFD Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting BKA Bulky Article The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to service motorcycles, tractors, riding lawn mowers, privately owned vehicles, and other personal effects of unusual size or nature by securing the item in such a manner that will withstand handling and transportationBLA Bill of Lading Attendancy BLC Bill of Lading Charge BLD Billed Demand BLK Blocking and Bracing Charge BLW Blower Charge BND Bond Charges BOB Bobtail Charges BOP Bop Sheet Charge BRA Basic Reorder Allowance BRD Bridge Toll BRG Aqua Train BSC Bunker Surcharge BSS Broker Selection Surcharge Charge applied when rerouting is required for clearance by customer-specified brokerBTC Bi-level, Tri-level Charges BU2 Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container BU4 Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container BUA Bunker Adjustment BUR Bureau Report Charge A document received from an agencyBYD Beyond Charge CA1 Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk CA2 Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container CA4 Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container CAA Cancellation Charge CAC Cash Discount CAD Certification Fee CAE Co-manufacturing Discount CAF Competitive Allowance CAG Competitive Car Allowance CAH Compressor Charge CAJ Crafting CAK Customer Equipment Allowance CAL Cutting Charge CAO Co-op Credit CAP Car Loading CAQ Contract Escalation CAR Car Rental CAS Container Deposits CAV Contract Allowance CAW Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance) CAZ Claims Commercial Auto Report Charge Information concerning an automobile claim for a businessCBL Copy of Bill of Lading Charge CBO Cents Off CBP Competitive Price CBR Carrier CBW Container Allowance CBX City Sales Tax (Only) CCA Carrier Credit Allowance CCH Certification Charge CCP Claims Commercial Property Report Charge Information concerning a property claim for a businessCCR Concession Credit Credit to adjust the billed amount due to a predefined discounting arrangementCCS Carrier Caboose Charge Service charge for carrier-furnished cabooseCDA Carrier Debit Allowance CDD Corrosion Additive Service Charge CDF Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar CDR Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge CER Container Service Charge UK/EUR CFC Customs Fees - Container Level CFL Customs Fees - Lift Level CGC Carrier Guard Car Charge Rail charge for each carrier guard car used by attendants accompanying freight shipmentsCGL Canada Great Lakes Additionals CGR Return Carrier Guard Car Charge Rail charge when an unoccupied guard car is returned to a location other than the original shipping pointCGT Cargo Taxes CHE Chassis Equipment Lease Charge CHG Charges Forward/Advance Charge CHN Chain and Binders CIR Special Circus Trains CIS Constant Surveillance Motor security service providing continuous surveillance and custody of a shipment in transitCLC Chicago Loop Charge CLD Container Loss/Damage CLN Cleaning Charge CLS Container Leasing CMC Concession Money CMF City maintenance fee CMI Continuous Mileage CMP Camp Arbitrary CNS Consolidation CNV Converting COA Commission Amount COC Connect Charge Charge for connection to termination point for the communicationCOD COD Amount COF Ocean Freight COL Fee for Collecting COD Charge COM Combination CON Congestion Surcharge COP Port Changes COR Core Charge COU Consignee Unload CPA Claims Personal Auto Report Charge Information concerning an automobile claim for one or more individualsCPC Copilot Service Charge CPE Computer Processing Expense Costs incurred on behalf of a client which resulted from processing information via a computerCPP Claims Personal Property Report Charge Information concerning a property claim for one or more individualsCRA Cost recovery/adjustment CRF Cost Recovery Factor CRP Court Reporter Charge The mechanism used to notate a court session and legal documentsCRR Credit Report Charge Charge for information associated with an individual's financial credit reportCRS Courier Services CSA Closing & Sealing CSC Contract Service Charge CSE Customs Entry CSF Customs Formalities CSP Government Caboose Charge Service charge for carrier furnished caboose for use by government personnelCSR Conservation research fee CST Cassette Charge for cassette tapes and machineryCTA Container/Trailer Allowance CTC Container Service Charge USA/Canada CTD Customer Required Special Truck at Destination CTE Court or Trial Expense CTF Chassis Transfer CTG Cartage Charge CTL Controlled Atmosphere CTO Customer Required Special Truck at Origin CTR Circuitous Routing Charge CTX Customs Exams (Intensive, Tailgate) CUA Currency Adjustment CUD Currency Discount CUF Currency Adjustment Factor CUP Customer Paid Deductible CUS Customs Charge DAA Deficit Freight DAB Deposit DAC Distributor Discount/Allowance DAD Drum Up Charge DAM Damaged Merchandise DBD Dockage - Boat Detention DBL Double Wide Separate and Reassemble The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to separate each unit of a double-wide mobile home and prepare for movement and reassemble the double-wide mobile home after transportation from one location to another has been performedDBP Delivery of Fuel from Barge to Pipeline Charge DCE Damage to Carrier Equipment DCS Disconnect charge DCT City Delivery DCV Damage to Carrier Vessel DDA Defective Allowance DDC Drum Cost DDD Drum Deposit DDF Dowel Pin Charge DDN Dual Driver with National Agency Check A charge for a security service where a carrier must allow the government to perform a National Agency Check (NAC) on personnel involved in a government shipmentDDP Dual Driver Protectice Service Motor security service that provides two (dual) drivers in the same vehicle, one of whom must be in attendance at all timesDDS Deaf and Disabled Surcharge Surcharge assessed to fund the provision of services to the handicapped by mandate of the local Public Utilities CommissionDDZ Drayage at Port of Debarkation (Zone Rate) DEA Demurrage - Average Agreement DEB Detention: Vehicle with Power Unit (Bulk Petroleum Product Shipments) DED Deductible Amount the insured parties must provide out of their own pocketDEL Delivery Charge DEM Demurrage DEP Detention of Power Units DER Derrick Charge DES Demurrage - Special DET Detention of Trailers DEV Texas Rail Commission Deviation Charge Charge required to be levied by the Texas Railroad Commission to conform to filed ratesDEW Detention Without Power Unit Motor charge when carrier's vehicle without power unit is held beyond the allowable free time for loading/unloadingDEZ Drayage at Port of Embarkation (Zone Rate) DFD Keep from Freezing Percent Differential DFM 410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge A service where the carrier furnishes a 410 cubic foot dromedary which is equipped with properly installed mechanical restraints and devices for the blocking and bracing of freightDFS 410 Dromedary Demountable 410 cu. ft. shipping container that can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bedDFW Delay Furnishing Destination Weights DGE Damage to Government Equipment DGS Dangerous Goods Surcharge DIC Diversion Charge DIR Direct Repair Specific repair locations where an insured party may drive in, receive an estimate, and obtain the necessary repairsDIS Distribution Service DIV Diversion and Reconsignment DLH Drayage/Line Haul DLP Delivery of Fuel from Rail Tank Car to Pipeline Charge DMC Deadhead Mileage Charge DMD Demand charge DNA Dunnage Allowance Motor allowable deducted from line-haul charges for dunnage used to protect and secure shipments for transportationDOC Documentation Charge DON Deposit in Lieu of Order DOV Container Diversion DPB Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Barge Charge DPD Drayage at Port of Debarkation DPE Drayage at Port of Embarkation DPL Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Rail Tank Car Charge DPR Depreciation Amount by which an item has decreased in valueDPT Delivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer Charge DPU Detention with Power Units (30 minute periods) Charge DRC Drayage DRP Deramping DRV Driver License Record Report Charge Report on a licensed driver's driving recordDRY Dryer Charge DSC Discount DSF Detention - Special Type Flat Car DSM Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge A service where the carrier furnishes a regular size dromedary which is equipped with properly installed mechanical restraints and devices for the blocking and bracing of freightDSR Dromedary Service Charge Demountable 155-200 cu. ft. shipping container that can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bedDST Container Destuffing DTA Diversion to Air Charge DTB Detention (Labor) DTC Destination Charge DTD Destination Duty DTF Destination Inland Freight DTL Detention Loading DTP Delivery of Fuel from Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline Charge DTU Detention Unloading DTV Detention (Vehicle) Rail charge when rail-owned/leased trailers/containers on flatcar service are detained for loading/unloadingDWC Driver's Wages DWP Detention with Power Units (60 minute periods) Charge EAC Exchange Access Credit Monthly credit per Telecommunications line, issued to offset a reduced rate calling plan available in another geographic areaEAX Extra Axles The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to install and rent an axle with wheels, tires, and brakes required for the transportation of a mobile homeEBD Exhibition Delivery Charge EBP Exhibition Pickup Charge ECC Will Call Charge ECR Escort/Courier Service Charge ECS Empty Railcar Ordered But Not Used Charge EDD Equipment Hose at Destination Charge Service charge for supplying special hose equipment for dispatching bulk fuel at destinationEDO Equipment Hose at Origin Charge Service charge for supplying special hose equipment for dispatching bulk fuel at originEEA Early Buy Allowance EEB Early Payment Allowance EEC Escalation EEF Expediting Fee EEG One Time Engineering Charge EEH Engineering Charge EEP Expediting Premium EEX Export Shipping Charge EIC Export/Import Charge ELS Extra Lights Motor charge when a state agency requires extra lights be placed on an overdimensional shipmentEMR Emergency Response Service EMS Emergency Surcharge EMT Empty Movement Motor charge when empty movement of equipment is requiredENC Energy charge ENS Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor) EPC Emergency Port Charge EPS Environmental Protection Service ERS Empty Return Motor charge when empty equipment is returned from the destination to point of origin to support a DoD initiativeERT Satisfactory Service Standards Charge ESA Early Ship Allowance ESC Emergency Service ESD Estimated Customs Duty (Dutypaid - Charge) ESE External Service Expense Expense incurred by an organization for work done by an agency outside of the company assigned to provide a serviceETR Empty Trailer Returned Charge EUC European Port Charges EVC Excessive Value Charge EXC Exclusive Use Charge EXD Extra Driver EXL Extra Length EXM Excess Mileage Charge EXP Expedited Service Charge EXS Excess Periods EXW Excess Weight A special charge incurred by shipments that exceed the weight agreed toEXZ Expando Remove and Install The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to prepare, separate, and seal an expando room attached to a mobile home prior to movement and secure the room at destination after the transportation from one location to another has been performedFAB F.E.T. Federal Excise Tax FAC F.E.T. (Percent) FAD F.E.T. (Dollar Value) FAE Fabrication Charge FAF F.E.T. Tires FAG Freight Equalization FAH Freight Surcharge FAK Barge Freight All Kinds Service FBD Freight, Based on Dollar Minimum FCB Freight Charges to Border FCD Freight Charges to Destination FCI Freight Charges Inbound and Outbound Charge or allowance is for freight charges both waysFCS Furnishing Chassis Rail charge when chassis are furnished by carrier to effect pickup or delivery of containers in Container on Flat Car (COFC) serviceFDL Food and Lodging FDS Financial Document Surcharge Charge for special handling of financial documentsFFC Fuel Filters Furnished by Carrier Charge FFI Finance Charge FFL Freshness/Leaker Allowance FFN Special Finish Charge FFP Freight Passthrough FFR Flat Rate FFS Fuel Filters Furnished by Shipper Charge FIR Fire Report Report produced by the fire department that tended to a fire lossFLS Flatrack Surcharge FLT Ferry Service FMR Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental Costs to a supplier under contract to a prime contractor for using government-furnished equipment or facilities to make military parts for a foreign government; must be specified in the quotation and addressed as a separate line item in the purchase orderFMS Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge Surcharge added to orders for the sale of military hardware to a foreign country as authorized by the U.S. governmentFRC Franchise fee FTC Federal Transfer Surcharge Surcharge to recover cost associated with the transfer of bill inquiry services to AT&TFTR Filtration Service Charge Service charge for providing pipeline filtration serviceFUE Fuel Charge FWA Forwarding Agent Commission FWC Forwarding Charge FXE Texas Rail Commission Fixed Charge Charge fixed as defined by the Texas Railroad CommissionGAR Garment District GAT Gate Inspection Charge (Intermodal) GDR Grain Doors GGA Glaze Allowance GGF Gold Factor GKT Gasket A piece or ring of rubber, metal, etc., used to make a joint leakproofGMS Garment Surcharge GOC Government-owned Containers The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to utilize containers provided by the U. S. government for movement of used personal property belongings to U. S. government employeesGPD Gulf Port Delivery Charge GRD Groupage Discount GRS Gross Receipts Surcharge Surcharge to recover revenues paid to the jurisdiction as annual gross earnings taxGSP Government Guard Car Charge Service charge for carrier-furnished guard cars for use by government personnelGSS Greater Security Service Rail security service providing seal tracing and inspection for rail movement of unclassified sensitive cargoGST Goods and Services Tax Charge HAN Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond HAZ Hazardous Cargo Charge HBD Harbor Dues HDF Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge HDG Holding Charge HDH Shipment Holdover Charge for Holidays Shipments may be held over on holidays for delivery the following normal workday morning when requested by the shipper; applicable for perishable subsistence.HDW Shipment Holdover Charge for Weekends Friday pickups may be held over for Monday morning delivery when requested by the shipper for the convenience of the consignee. Applicable for perishable subsistenceHET Heat in Transit Charges HFA Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge HHA Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed HHB Handling HHG Household Goods Pick-up or Delivery HIC Highway Interchange HLF Home Line Freight Charge Special rate under most joint railroad facility contractsHMA Accessible Hazardous Material HMI Inaccessible Hazardous Material HOC Hook-up charge HOL Sunday or Holiday Pick-up or Delivery HOS Hose Charge HOX Hose Charge Special HRS Heater or Refrigeration Rail charge when shipments of commodities require protective service from the heat or coldHSC High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge HUL Heavy Lift HZC Hazardous Materials Surcharge Charge HZD Hazardous Cargo on Deck HZS Hazardous Storage IAA Industry Price Allowance IAB Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point) IAC Inspection Fee ICE Cooling Service IDC Idler Car Charge IDD Improper Documentation IDL Inside Delivery IDP Interdivision Profit When one division of a corporation becomes a supplier to another division, an Interdivision Profit is specified separately (on non-competitive purchase orders associated with U.S. Government contracts and it is not to be included in the unit price or material cost)IFC Inbound Freight Charges IHT Interstate/Highway Toll IIA Invoice Adjustment IIH Icing Inhibitor Charge IIP Item Percentage IIU Item-Unit ILD Island Delivery Charge ILF Initial License Fee A one-time fee charged by a manufacturer to a customer to license the manufacturer's productsILP Island Pick-Up Charge IMP Impactographs Motor charge when impactographs are provided at the request of the shipper or consigneeIMS Intermodal Shipment Service Charge INC Insurance Surcharge INP Interplant Charge INR Interest on refund INS Insurance INT Interpreter Expense IPC Intra-plant Charge IPU Inside Pick-up IRA Irish Arbitraries ISD Interest on security deposit ISO Intermodal Storage (Origin) IST Intermodal Storage (Destination) ITC Insulated Tank Charge ITS Interline Transfer Charge JST Junction Settlement Charge KIT Glass Kit Additional materials necessary for the installation of glassLAA Labor Charges LAB Extra Labor (Helper Service) LAC Lading Adjustment Charge LAD Labor (Repair and Return Orders) LAE One-Time License Fee LAL Labor Adjustment Allowance LAT License and Title LAY Layover Charges LBR Light Bar Service Charge LC2 Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container LC4 Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container LCG Late Order Charge LCL Percent Differential - Less than Container LCR Labor Cost of Removal LDA Loading Allowance LDG Loading LDL Unloading Allowance LDS Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service LEC Less than Container LFC Lift Charge (Intermodal) LFD Linehaul from Port of Debarkation LFT Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pick-up/Delivery LGD Lodging Temporary housingLHS Linehaul Service The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide special linehaul services; i.e. to or from a temporary storage site, for used household goods not included in the normal transportation from origin to destination locationsLID Recurring License Fee A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to the customer to license the manufacturer's productLIE Liability of Carrier Charge LLB Limited Liability LLC Lot Charge LLD Lead Factor LLF Loan Fee LLS Local Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authorities Below the State Level) LMC Labor, Modify LMD Liner Terms at Port of Debarkation LME Liner Terms at Port of Embarkation LNT Labor, No Trouble Found LOA Loading (Labor Charges) LOC Local Delivery/Drayage LPC Late payment charge LPD Linehaul Percent Differential LPF Laboratory Pack Fee Charge for special, leakproof envelopes used to transport body fluidsLQD Liquidated Damages LSC Labor Service LSH Lashing LSS Lifeline Surcharge Surcharge assessed to provide services to the economically deprivedLTC Labor, Test and Calibrate LTE Linehaul to Port of Embarkation LUB Lubricant Charge LUP Locomotive Under Own Power LUS Leaking underground storage tax (LUST) LYC Layover Service Charge MAA Metals Surcharge MAB Mileage or Travel MAC Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return) MAD Minimum Order/Minimum Billing Charge MAE Monthly Rental MAR Marriage Rule MAT Modified Atmosphere MCC Machining Charge Covers tasks procured in addition to outside production requirements set forth in a purchase requisitionMDG Molding Shaped trim that borders an objectMDM Mount/Demount MEA Meals or Lodging Charge MEN Escort Service with Overnight Subsistence Motor charge when movement hour restrictions require an escort vehicle driver or flagmen to stay overnightMES Escort Service MET Escort Service (Telephone) Motor charge when shipper/consignee requests that vehicles be equipped with mobile telephones or two-way radiosMFC Manifest Charge MFG Manufacturing MGA Message Rate Adjustment Adjustment to account for a message billing errorMGC Message Charge Charge for messages incurred through the use of a serviceMIC Minimum Charge MIL Special Mileage Movements MIN Minimum Guarantee MKU Markup Charge Amount of price increase due to various circumstancesMLB Minimum Bill of Lading Charge MLS Meals Charge incurred for mealsMMC Minimum/Maximum Charge MMF Mill Freight MMS Market Development Funds MMT Metropolitan Transit Tax MNC Notify Consignee MNS Motor Surveillance Service Motor security service which provides shippers with visibility of their shipments from origin to destinationMPC Miscellaneous Parts Charge MRK Marking or Tagging Charge MRP Medical Report Charge Report of an individual's medical conditionMSC Other Accessorial Service Charge MSG Miscellaneous Charge MTR Meter Charge MUS Municipal Surcharge Surcharge assessed to recover additional expense related to local utility gross revenueMVR Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) Charge Report of a person's driving historyMVS Special Motor Surveillance Charge Motor security service which provides shipper with extraordinary visibility of their shipments in transitMVT Venting Instructions NAA Non Generated Freight NAB New Store Allowance NAL Nozzle Charge NCH Order Notify Charge NDS Non-document Surcharge Charge for additional clearance processing of non-document freightNFY Carrier Notification Charge NHB N.H.D. Wharfage NSD New Store Discount NWD New Warehouse Discount NYD New York Delivery Charge NYP New York Pick-up Charge OAA O.T.O. Charge OAB Overrun Charge OAC Overtime Loading OCH Ocean Charges -- Hazardous OCN Over Height Container ODF Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge OFR Official Report Charge Reports written by an official organization (police, fire, etc.)OFU Fumigation ONC On Carriage OOC Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture) OOD On Deck Break Bulk Differential OOF Order-Flat OPC Optional Charge ORC Operator Credit Adjustment billed amount for operator issued creditsORM Out of Route Miles OSC Outside Charge OSO Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems OSS Optional Software Support for Switching Systems OUT Out of Zone Pick-up or Delivery OVR Over Dimension OWC Over Width Container PAA Percent of Product PAC Pump Air Charge PAD Premium Charge PAE Premium Transportation PAF Price Deviation PAG Professional Fees PAH Promotional Allowance PAI Promotional Discount PAJ Pump Charge PAK Preparation and Delivery PAL Parts Adjustment Allowance PAR Parts Charge PAT Priced Parts Charge PAV Pickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery Charge PBA Prior billing amount PBE Permits Bonds Escort Attendant PBL Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage PCH Protective Service Charge PCT City Pick-up PDB Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge PDC Preloading Charge PDS Pickup and Delivery from Storage in Transit The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to pickup a household goods shipment at, or deliver to, a temporary storage facilityPDY Pickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area Charge PEC Pallet Exchange Charge PEN Penalty Charge PER Permit Charge PFA Power Factor Adjustment PHC Photocopy Copy of any document produced by a copy machinePHG Photographs Photo pictures taken by a cameraPIR Pier Pick-up and/or Delivery PKS Packing Surcharge PLC Insurance Placement Cost Charge PLT Pallets/Skids/Platforms Provides for the exclusion of pallet weight from shipment weight not to exceed a stated percentage of total shipment weightPMC Prior Month Credit Adjustment to WATS billing for the amount of WATS charges billed in the prior period; issued when delayed usage has been received and the previous months billing has been recalculated using the complete usage informationPMR Paint and Materials Paint and the items necessary to perform repair workPMS Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service Charge PMT Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time Charge PMU Normal Pump Charge PMX Special Pump Charge PNA Prior Period Net Adjustment Adjusting entry that corrects a previously invoiced amountPOC Piano/Organ Carry The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide special handling and transportation for a piano or organ as part of a household goods shipmentPOD Proof of Delivery POL Police Report Charge Document produced by the police department describing a particular incidentPOS Positioning at Origin PPC Per Pound Charge PPD Pickup and Delivery Service for Perishables Charge PPH Per Item Charge PPI Pick/Up Allowance PPM Precious Metal Content PPN Pallet Charge PPO Per Order Charge PPR Performance Award PPS Placement and/or Removal Charge PPT Parish/County Sales Tax (only) PPU Prepaid Usage Allowance Adjustment to billed amount of Optional Calling Plan charges to credit account for Prepaid usage; this credit will not create a negative billed amountPRB Prior Balance PRC Pre-carriage PRE Pre-carriage Excess PRK Parking Charge incurred for parking a vehiclePRL Prelodge Charge PRM Premise Use PRP Prior Period Rebook Corrected invoice amount that should have been invoiced originallyPRS Stuffing Charge PRV Prior Period Reversal Reversal of a previously invoiced amount that was billed incorrectlyPSC Protective Service - Cold PSD Preparation of Special Documents PSG Protective Service Security with Armed Guards Motor charge for Protective Security Service when shipper requires one or both cleared drivers be armedPSH Protective Service - Heat PSS Protective Service Security Motor security service provided by cleared carrier for movement of Department of Defense secret shipmentsPST Postage PTC Tobacco Products Report Charge PTS Protective Tarp for Security Purposes Motor charge when shipments containing classified material are tarped by the carrier for security purposesPUC Pick-up Charge PUD Pick-up and Delivery PUK Pack and Unpack The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide packing services at the origin location and unpacking services at destination site, including labor, packing material, and containers, as part of a household goods shipmentPVB Bonded Privately Owned Vehicle Charge PVD Detention of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge PVI Inoperable Privately Owned Vehicle Charge PVL Loading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge PVP Privately Owned Vehicle Processing PVS Stop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment Charge PVT Privately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service Charge PWH Pier Charges - Wharfage PWT Pallet Allowance PYS Priority Service Charge QAA Quantity Surcharge QQD Quantity Discount RAA Rebate RAB Reclamation, Federal RAC Reclamation, State RAD Recovery Allowance RAE Redistribution Allowance RAF Rental Deduction RAG Repack Charge RAH Retainer RAI Resellers Discount RAJ Restocking Charge RAK Royalties RAL Roll Rebate RAM Ramping RCA No Return Credit Allowance RCB Repair at buyers expense charge RCC Reconsignment Charge RCD Reconsign Consignee Charge RCE Repair at customer expense charge RCG Repair at government expense charge RCL Redelivery RCP Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense) RCS Reconnect charge RDC Reconsign Delivery Charge RDF Research & development fee RDH Railhead Handling REC Return Cargo Charge REE Regulatory Fee Surcharge levied to fund a state regulatory commissionREF Refrigeration REG Regulatory tax REL Requested Labor Charge REP Residential Pick-up REQ Request Via Canada RES Residential Delivery RET Returned Load RFD Refund Amount of refund awarded to the customer due to a regulatory committee actionRFM Reefer Maintenance RGA Regain Allowance RGC Regain Charge RHM Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to pay for maintenance on computer hardware as covered in a maintenance contractRID Riding Attendant Charge RIE Released Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability Charge RLA Retail Loss Allowance A standard discount to compensate a retail organization for the cost of lost or damaged items during operationsRLC Rents and Leases RLQ Relinquishment Charge RLS Relocation of Vehicle Motor charge when carrier is requested to move a vehicle from one platform doorway or shipping room to anotherRMB Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge RMC Return of Empty Container Charge RMD Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention RMP Return Movement of Pallet Charge RMS Rail Surveillance Rail security service performed by the rail carriers in the movement of Government unclassified sensitive cargoROC Roll Out Adjustment RPC Reduction Prepalletized Cargo RPD Reefer Cargo Percent Differential RRC Reel Cable RRD Reel Deposit RRF Refurbishing Charge RRN Rental Charge RRP Repair Charge RRR Regulatory required refund RSM Recurring Software Maintenance Charge A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to pay for maintenance on computer software as covered in a maintenance contractRSP Reshipment The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to prepare a household goods shipment for onward movement when the shipment is diverted to a new destination locationRSS Restricted Speeds Charge when the unusual nature of the shipment requires the carrier to operate at speeds below its normal limitsRST Respotting RSV Reservations Shipper may reserve space in a vehicle for second and third Priviso commodities moving via Household Goods motor carriers onlyRTC Rate Code SAA Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance SAB Shipping and Handling SAC Service Charge (with Cash Discount) SAD Scrap Allowance SAE Shrink-Wrap Charge SAF Special Credit SAG State Motor Fuel SAH Stenciling Charge SAI Super Fund Excise Tax SAJ Surcharge (Dollar Value) SAK Surcharge (Percentage) SAM Stopcharge SAN State Sales Charge SAP Service Assistance Program Surcharge SAS Shipment Holdover on Weekends Charge SAT Saturday Pick-up or Delivery Charge SBC Standby Charge SBL Sublet To contract another individual or organization to perform a duty or to fulfill an obligation that was not theirs originallySCC Special Seal Charge The additional service charge or order for a carrier to use specially constructed containers for oversized or fragile items as part of a household goods shipmentSCD Special Containers The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to use specially constructed containers for oversized or fragile items as part of a household goods shipmentSCG Small Order Charge SCL Scale Charge SCU Scale Charge Unloading SDC Special Detention Charge SDL Split Delivery SDS Special Dromedary Service Demountable shipping container (special sizes) than can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bedSEC Special Equipment Charge SEE Stairs, Elevator, Excess Carry The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to use stairs, elevators, or long carry as part of the origin or destination services on a household goods shipmentSEG Segregating (Sorting) SEL Self Unloader SEQ Ship Exact Quantity Charge SER Service Charge SEV Security Escort Vehicle Service Motor security service where carrier provides an escort vehicle to maintain surveillance of the cargo vehicleSFB Single Factor Origination/Destination SFC Stuffing Charge SFD Single Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation SFE Single Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination SFT Special Train Movement SGL Single Pick-up SHH Shipment Holdover on Holidays Charge SHL Shipper Load SHS State Hazardous Substance Tax A tax that is paid by the first party to own a hazardous substance within the stateSHW Shipment Holdover on Weekdays Charge SKT Skirting and Unskirting The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to remove skirting from the mobile home prior to movement and reinstalling the skirting at destination after the transportation from one location to another has been performedSLC Street lamps charge SLP Slip Sheet Charge SMS State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge Surcharge to offset the cost of mass commuter transportationSNS Satellite Surveillance Service Motor security service which provides satellite tracking and in transit status of a shipment 24 hours a daySNT Shipment from Non-temp Storage The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform pickup and inspection of household goods from a long-term storage facilitySOC Stop-off Charge SOP Stop-off at Pier Charge SPA Special Allowance SPB Special Buy SPC Special Permits SPD Spreader Charge SPL Spool Charge SPP Split Pick-Up at Pier Charge SPS Special Freight Supplements SPT Spotting of Trailer SPU Split Pick-up SRG Storage SRS Surveying Routes Charge when, because of the unusual size or weight of the shipment, a survey of the route is required for its safetySSA Salvage SSB Super Bag Charge SSC Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation SSF Single Shipment Fee SSL Select Charge SSO Pole, Wood-service Charge SSP Shipside Pickup SSS Software Support Service SST Sales Tax (State and Local) SSU Pole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge SSX Sales and Use Tax STA Conductivity/Anti-static Additive STC State Surcharge Surcharge to provide funds to the state, (specific use of funds not available to TBWG at this time)STD Stop-off at Destination STF Container Stuffing STL Standard Labor Charge STM Steaming Charge STO Stowage Charge STP Stopping in Transit STQ Stop-off at Origination STR Storage in Transit STW Special tooling rework charge SUC Special Use SUF Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import) SUP Supervisor Charge SUR Surcharge SVA Single Invoice Allowance SVL Manual Surveillance of Shipment SVS Storage of Vehicles Charge for vehicles on a flat car held by carrier, beyond the free time allowed, for any reason not the fault of the carrierSWC Switching Charge TAA Telephone Charge TAB Tank Rental TAC Temporary Allowance TAD Tax on Transportation TAE Temporary Voluntary Allowance TAF Terminal Differential TAG Testing Charge TAH Tool Charge TAI Testing Allowance TAJ Trade In TAK Transportation and Setup TAL Truckload Discount TAR Tarping Charge TAX Tax Charge TAY Governmental Tax TCB Telegram Chargeback Adjustment for telegram charges billed on behalf of Western UnionTCM Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate) TDT Truck Detention TER Terminal Charge TLC Trimming Charge TMS Multi-Tank Surveillance Service Charge for security service performed by railroads applicable when two M1 tanks are loaded on a rail carTMV Tendering of Multiple Vehicles Charge for delay when all vehicles on a flatcar shipment are not delivered to the ramp in a specified period of timeTOA Total Assessorial Charges TOC TOFC Service Charge TPA Carrier Equipment Pool Charge TPC Throughput Container Charge TPS Third-Party Service The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to obtain independent contractors or companies to perform certain services on a household goods shipment that are not covered under an existing commercial or military tariff and the carrier is entitled to recover expenses or costsTRA Travel Charge TRC Trailer Rental Charge TRE Travel Expense Expense incurred for traveling from one location to anotherTRF Transfer Charge TRM Termination The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to terminate the movement of a household goods shipment at origin or enroute to a destination locationTRN Transit TRP Process in Transit Privilege TRS Transferred Charges Adjustment for delayed charges or payments to an account number no longer in serviceTRU Thruway Charge TSC Testing Services Charge TSS Tank Surveillance Service Charge for security service performed by railroads applicable when one M1 tank is loaded on a rail carTST Track Storage TTA Tank Car Allowance TTB Transportation-Direct Billing TTD Trade Discount TTL Local Tax TTM Tax on Miscellaneous Charges TTP Third Party Allowance TTR Throughput Allowance TTS State Tax TTT Transportation - Third Party Billing TTU Tire Repair and Replace The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to repair or replace military member-owned tires and/or tubes used on a mobile homeTTV Transportation - Vendor Provided TUR Turning Charge TWO Two Door Pick Up UFC Under Carriage Furnished By Carrier Charge UND Unloading UNL Unloading (Labor Charges) UPD Usage Plan Detail Charge Charges for providing additional usage details associated with a measured usage or Optional Calling PlanUPK Unpacking The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform unpacking services on an unaccompanied baggage shipment that are not covered under the carrier filed transportation rateURC Unloading/Reloading Charge USF Use - Special Type Flat Car USV U.S. Vehicles USW Unabsorbed Switching UTL Utilities Disconnect and Connect The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to disconnect utilities attached to a mobile home prior to movement and reconnect utilities at destination after transportation from one location to another has been performedUTP Use charge tooling/personnel UUC Up Charge UUM Unsalable Merchandise Allowance UUT Use Tax VAA Vendor Freight VAB Volume Discount VCL Van Cleaning VCR Voluntary contribution charge VEX Excess Mileage for Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge VFN Vehicles Furnished But Not Used Charge when a vehicle is furnished at shippers request and loading of such vehicle is subsequently cancelled by shipperVIS Vehicles Inoperable Charge when a vehicle is inoperable and is loaded/unloaded in truckaway service by the truckaway driverVIT Virgin Island Transfer Charge VOR Vehicle Ordered but Not Used VSO Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge VTS Vehicles in Truckway Charge when vehicles, before loading in truckaway service, exceed 64" in height measured from ground to top of vehicleVVL Vehicle Load Allowance VVP Vehicle Prep Charge (courtesy delivery) WAR War Risk Surcharge WAT Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit Credit given to eligible WATS usage having chargeable hours exceeding a minimum quantityWBB Wharfage - Breakbulk WCT Wharfage - Container WDS Waterfront Delivery Charge Service charge for waterfront delivery of bulk fuelWEA Weather Protection WEI Weighing Charge (Intermodal) WFG Wharfage WFH Wharfage & Handling WFT Wasted/Futile Trip WHC Warehouse Charge WRB War Risk Crew Bonus WRC Load Weighing Charge WRE Empty Weighing Charge WRI War Risk Insurance WSA Warehouse Allowance WTG Waiting Time WTM Waiting Time Service Charge WTV Weight Verification Charge WWC Wharfage Charge Z01 Protective Service Rule 25 Charges for protective services not included in freight rateZ02 Protective Service Rule 27 Charges for protective service on shipments in articulated carsZ03 Protective Service Rule 37 Prepayment of protective service chargesZ04 Protective Service Rule 75 Change in protective serviceZ05 Protective Service Rule 95 Protective service diversions and reconsignmentsZ06 Protective Service Rule 140 Charges for disinfecting refrigeration carsZ07 Protective Service Rule 160 Protective service on mixed shipmentsZ08 Protective Service Rule 165 Freight in bunkers of refrigerator carsZ09 Protective Service Rule 500 Protective service against coldZ10 Protective Service Rule 510 Shippers protective serviceZ11 Protective Service Rule 518 Charge on out-of-line or back haul on refrigeration carsZ12 Protective Service Rule 530 Intermediate Stop or Hold Points and Destination Service at Origin on refrigeration equipmentZ13 Protective Service Rule 531 Charges for heater on shipments stopped in transit for partial unloadingZ14 Protective Service Rule 545 Transportation of heaters with freightZ15 Protective Service Rule 565 Allowance to shippers for prewarming cars on shipment of potatoesZ16 Protective Service Rule 570 Protective service on shipments destined to stations on Alaska RailroadZ17 Protective Service Rule 580 Special heater protective service (from Western Territory)Z18 Protective Service Rule 581 Special heater protective service (from Eastern and Southern Territories)Z19 Protective Service Rule 705 Frozen commoditiesZ20 Protective Service Rule 710 Nonfrozen commoditiesZ21 Protective Service Rule 711 Modified mechanical protective serviceZ22 Protective Service Rule 712 Shipper-specified mechanical serviceZ23 Protective Service Rule 716 Liquid CO2 used in lieu of MPS in shipper-furnished carsZ24 Protective Service Rule 720 Mechanical car used for shipments where MPS not orderedZ25 Protective Service Rule 725 Detention of refrigeration equipmentZ26 Protective Service Rule 727 Detention at stations in Canada of refrigeration equipmentZ27 Protective Service Rule 735 Mechanical car ordered but not usedZ28 Protective Service Rule 740 Charge for frozen commodities stopped in transitZ29 Protective Service Rule 760 Charges for refrigeration equipment on shipments stopped to complete loading or for partial unloadingZ30 Protective Service Rule 815 Protective service included in freight rate waybillingZ31 Quality Differential General code to be used for all quality associated differentials including: gravity, quality, sulfur, value-bonus, or equal barrelZ32 Protective Service Rule 26 Non-application of Mechanical Protective Service ChargesZ33 Protective Service Rule 715 Shipper Furnished, Owned or Leased CarsZ34 Protective Service Rule 745 Back or Out-of-Line-Haul ChargesZ35 Protective Service Rule 755 ZFF First Flight Out ZZZ Mutually Defined
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