150 Special Charge or Allowance Code

Code identifying type of special charge or allowance

Identifier (ID)
Min 3 / Max 3
003Account Number Correction Charge
005Activation of Carnet
008Balance Forward
009Dividend Interest
010Add on - Destination
011Loan Interest
012Premium Waiver
015Add on - Origin
016Dividend Adjustment
020Address Correction
025Advance Destination Amount
026Integrated Business Services (IBS) Service Charge
027Special Packaging
028Box Liners
029Product Personalization
030Advance Destination Fee
031Tape Charges
032Subject to Tax
035Advance Origin Amount
040Advance Origin Fee
045Advance Fee
050Agent Disbursement - Destination
055Agent Disbursement Fee - Destination
060Agent Disbursement - Origin
065Agent Disbursement Fee - Origin
070Air Export Certificate
075Air Express Charge
080Air Transportation Charge
085Airline Opening Fee
090Airport Tax - Destination
095Airport Tax - Origin
100Airport Terminal Handling Charge
105Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
110Amending Export Documentation
115Assembly Fee
120Banking Drafts
135Cables (sending of)
140Call Tag
145Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
150Canadian Currency Exchange
155Canadian Import Termination Fee
160Canadian Reconsignment Fee
165Canadian Remanifest Fee
170Certificate of Origin
175Certificate of Registration
180Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
185Change of Airbill - Service Fee
186Chemical Milling Charge
190City Terminal Charge
205Collect Surcharge
210Constant Surveillance Service
215Consular Legalization Service
220Consularization Fee
225Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
235Customer Account Identification
240Customs Broker Fee
245Customs Invoice
250Customs Invoice - Additional Page
255Data/Drawing Charge
260Delivery Surcharge
265Development Charge
270Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
275Discount - Incentive
280Discount - Multiple Shipment
285Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
295Discount - Special
297Contingency Credit Charge
300Distribution Fee
310Dry Ice
315Duty Charge
320Endorsement Fee
325Eur1 Presentation Fee
335Excise Tax - Destination
340Excise Tax - Origin
345Expedited One Day Consular Service
350Expedited Shipments
355Extra Copies and Mailings
360Export Customs Clearance
365Export Declarations - Automated
370Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
375Export License Application
380Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
385Facsimile Charges
390Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
392Failed Lamp Panel Charge
393First Article Charge
395Free Domicile Shipment Processing
405Fuel Surcharge
410Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
415Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
416Grain Flow Charge
420Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
425Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
426Heat Treat Charge
430IATA Airbill Preparation
435IATA Fee
440Import Service Fee
445Insurance Fee
450Inland Transportation
455Insurance Premium
460International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
462Incorrect Billing Account Charge
465Italian Release Charge
470Letter of Credit Processing
475Mailing - Postage Cost
480Mailing - Service Fee
485Messenger Service
490Minimum Air Transportation Charge
495Miscellaneous - Destination
500Miscellaneous - Origin
505Missing Account NBR Charge
510Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
515On Hand Service
520Oversized Premium
525Passing Shippers Export Entry
535Pickup - Out of Area
540Pickup Surcharge
545Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
550Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
555Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
560Preparation of Commercial Invoice
565Preparation of Export Entry
570Preparation of Insurance Certificate
580Priority Service
585Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
586Processing Charge
590Rebilled Drayage - Destination
593Re-Bill Charge
595Proforma Invoice
600Recipient Address Correction
605Rebilled Drayage - Origin
615Recovery Fee
620Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
625Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
635Registration of Export Shipments
640Registration of Export for Reentry
641Reliability Charge
645Restricted Article Fee
665Saturday Delivery
670Saturday Pick-Up
675Security Signature Service
680Service Upgrade
685Special Delivery
690Special Handling Service
695Special Pickup
696Special Test Equipment Charge
697Special Tooling Charge
700Special Vehicle Rent
705Stamp Fee
706Straightening Charge
720Telephone - Destination
725Telephone - Origin
730Terminal Service Fee
731Test/Qualification Charge
732Tooling Rework Charge
735Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
736Tracing Service Fee
740Transfer of Lading Charge
745Valuation Fee
750Value Added Tax (VAT)
760Waybill and Invoice Distribution
761Written Proof of Delivery
762X-ray Charge
999Other (See related description)
AAAAdvertising Allowance
AAMAdditional Material
AANAllowance Non-performance
AAOAllowance Advance
AASAttendants Accompanying
Rail charge for government or contractor personnel accompanying freight shipments on freight trains
AATHandling Charge Tax
ABCAlcoholic Beverage Report Charge
ABLAttachments to Bill of Lading Charge
ACDAllegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
ACFAccess Charge - Federal
Charge to connect the customer to the long distance network, required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
ACHAccess Charges
Charges to connect the customer to the long distance network
ACLActual Labor Charge
Labor actually performed and shown on the servicing outlet's repair order - not necessarily equal to requested labor; labor associated with a single labor operation
ACSAccess Charge - State
Charge to connect the customer to the long distance network, required by the State Public Utilities Commission
ADHAdvance Charges Handling
ADLAdvance Loading Charge
Service charge for advanced loading of bulk fuel
AFBAdditional Copies of Freight Bill
AFCCollect on Delivery Alteration Charge
AFNAircraft Ordered But Not Used
AGSArmed Guard Service
AIBAdditional Injection/Blending Service Charge
Service charge for providing additional pipeline injection/blending service
AICAir Freight - Consolidation
AIRAir Freight
ALCAdvance Lading Charge
ALPUse of Alternate Port
A charge for using a port of embarkation or debarkation other than the requested port
AMBAdjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
Adjustment to the billed amount for usage billing when the usage charge exceeds the maximum monthly usage charge
AMCAbsolute Minimum Charge
AMPAdjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
Adjustment billed amount for billing of WATS usage at the Minimum Average Time Required Rate
ANBAdjustment for Minimum Charges Billing
ANCAnchoring and Unanchoring
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform unanchoring services on a mobile home at one location and anchoring services at another location after transportation has been performed
ANSAnodizing Charge
APLAppliance Servicing
The additional service charge or order for a carrier to service used household goods appliances by securing the item in such a manner that it will withstand handling and transportation
APTAppointment (Notification)
ARBArbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
ARCAir Conditioning Disconnect and Connect
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to disconnect an air conditioning unit attached to a mobile home and reconnecting the air conditioner after transportation from one location to another has been performed
ARGRail Armed Guard Service
Rail security service requiring one armed guard to inspect and maintain constant 24-hour surveillance on a shipment
ARRAir Ride Tractor Service Charge
ASCAssembly Charge
AUXAuxiliary Service
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide exclusive use of a vehicle as part of the movement of a household goods shipment
AVAAd Valorem
BAABeaming Charge
BABBrokerage or Duty
BACBuyers Car Allowance
BADBad Debt
BAPBroken Package Charge
BASBase Charge
BBKBreak Bulk Surface Charge
BDXBordeaux Arbitraries
BEYBeyond Freight Charges
BKABulky Article
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to service motorcycles, tractors, riding lawn mowers, privately owned vehicles, and other personal effects of unusual size or nature by securing the item in such a manner that will withstand handling and transportation
BLABill of Lading Attendancy
BLCBill of Lading Charge
BLDBilled Demand
BLKBlocking and Bracing Charge
BLWBlower Charge
BNDBond Charges
BOBBobtail Charges
BOPBop Sheet Charge
BRABasic Reorder Allowance
BRDBridge Toll
BRGAqua Train
BSCBunker Surcharge
BSSBroker Selection Surcharge
Charge applied when rerouting is required for clearance by customer-specified broker
BTCBi-level, Tri-level Charges
BU2Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
BU4Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
BUABunker Adjustment
BURBureau Report Charge
A document received from an agency
BYDBeyond Charge
CA1Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk
CA2Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
CA4Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
CAACancellation Charge
CACCash Discount
CADCertification Fee
CAECo-manufacturing Discount
CAFCompetitive Allowance
CAGCompetitive Car Allowance
CAHCompressor Charge
CAKCustomer Equipment Allowance
CALCutting Charge
CAOCo-op Credit
CAPCar Loading
CAQContract Escalation
CARCar Rental
CASContainer Deposits
CAVContract Allowance
CAWCooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
CAZClaims Commercial Auto Report Charge
Information concerning an automobile claim for a business
CBLCopy of Bill of Lading Charge
CBOCents Off
CBPCompetitive Price
CBWContainer Allowance
CBXCity Sales Tax (Only)
CCACarrier Credit Allowance
CCHCertification Charge
CCPClaims Commercial Property Report Charge
Information concerning a property claim for a business
CCRConcession Credit
Credit to adjust the billed amount due to a predefined discounting arrangement
CCSCarrier Caboose Charge
Service charge for carrier-furnished caboose
CDACarrier Debit Allowance
CDDCorrosion Additive Service Charge
CDFCancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
CDRCopy of Delivery Receipt Charge
CERContainer Service Charge UK/EUR
CFCCustoms Fees - Container Level
CFLCustoms Fees - Lift Level
CGCCarrier Guard Car Charge
Rail charge for each carrier guard car used by attendants accompanying freight shipments
CGLCanada Great Lakes Additionals
CGRReturn Carrier Guard Car Charge
Rail charge when an unoccupied guard car is returned to a location other than the original shipping point
CGTCargo Taxes
CHEChassis Equipment Lease Charge
CHGCharges Forward/Advance Charge
CHNChain and Binders
CIRSpecial Circus Trains
CISConstant Surveillance
Motor security service providing continuous surveillance and custody of a shipment in transit
CLCChicago Loop Charge
CLDContainer Loss/Damage
CLNCleaning Charge
CLSContainer Leasing
CMCConcession Money
CMFCity maintenance fee
CMIContinuous Mileage
CMPCamp Arbitrary
COACommission Amount
COCConnect Charge
Charge for connection to termination point for the communication
COFOcean Freight
COLFee for Collecting COD Charge
CONCongestion Surcharge
COPPort Changes
CORCore Charge
COUConsignee Unload
CPAClaims Personal Auto Report Charge
Information concerning an automobile claim for one or more individuals
CPCCopilot Service Charge
CPEComputer Processing Expense
Costs incurred on behalf of a client which resulted from processing information via a computer
CPPClaims Personal Property Report Charge
Information concerning a property claim for one or more individuals
CRACost recovery/adjustment
CRFCost Recovery Factor
CRPCourt Reporter Charge
The mechanism used to notate a court session and legal documents
CRRCredit Report Charge
Charge for information associated with an individual's financial credit report
CRSCourier Services
CSAClosing & Sealing
CSCContract Service Charge
CSECustoms Entry
CSFCustoms Formalities
CSPGovernment Caboose Charge
Service charge for carrier furnished caboose for use by government personnel
CSRConservation research fee
Charge for cassette tapes and machinery
CTAContainer/Trailer Allowance
CTCContainer Service Charge USA/Canada
CTDCustomer Required Special Truck at Destination
CTECourt or Trial Expense
CTFChassis Transfer
CTGCartage Charge
CTLControlled Atmosphere
CTOCustomer Required Special Truck at Origin
CTRCircuitous Routing Charge
CTXCustoms Exams (Intensive, Tailgate)
CUACurrency Adjustment
CUDCurrency Discount
CUFCurrency Adjustment Factor
CUPCustomer Paid Deductible
CUSCustoms Charge
DAADeficit Freight
DACDistributor Discount/Allowance
DADDrum Up Charge
DAMDamaged Merchandise
DBDDockage - Boat Detention
DBLDouble Wide Separate and Reassemble
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to separate each unit of a double-wide mobile home and prepare for movement and reassemble the double-wide mobile home after transportation from one location to another has been performed
DBPDelivery of Fuel from Barge to Pipeline Charge
DCEDamage to Carrier Equipment
DCSDisconnect charge
DCTCity Delivery
DCVDamage to Carrier Vessel
DDADefective Allowance
DDCDrum Cost
DDDDrum Deposit
DDFDowel Pin Charge
DDNDual Driver with National Agency Check
A charge for a security service where a carrier must allow the government to perform a National Agency Check (NAC) on personnel involved in a government shipment
DDPDual Driver Protectice Service
Motor security service that provides two (dual) drivers in the same vehicle, one of whom must be in attendance at all times
DDSDeaf and Disabled Surcharge
Surcharge assessed to fund the provision of services to the handicapped by mandate of the local Public Utilities Commission
DDZDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Zone Rate)
DEADemurrage - Average Agreement
DEBDetention: Vehicle with Power Unit (Bulk Petroleum Product Shipments)
Amount the insured parties must provide out of their own pocket
DELDelivery Charge
DEPDetention of Power Units
DERDerrick Charge
DESDemurrage - Special
DETDetention of Trailers
DEVTexas Rail Commission Deviation Charge
Charge required to be levied by the Texas Railroad Commission to conform to filed rates
DEWDetention Without Power Unit
Motor charge when carrier's vehicle without power unit is held beyond the allowable free time for loading/unloading
DEZDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Zone Rate)
DFDKeep from Freezing Percent Differential
DFM410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
A service where the carrier furnishes a 410 cubic foot dromedary which is equipped with properly installed mechanical restraints and devices for the blocking and bracing of freight
DFS410 Dromedary
Demountable 410 cu. ft. shipping container that can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bed
DFWDelay Furnishing Destination Weights
DGEDamage to Government Equipment
DGSDangerous Goods Surcharge
DICDiversion Charge
DIRDirect Repair
Specific repair locations where an insured party may drive in, receive an estimate, and obtain the necessary repairs
DISDistribution Service
DIVDiversion and Reconsignment
DLHDrayage/Line Haul
DLPDelivery of Fuel from Rail Tank Car to Pipeline Charge
DMCDeadhead Mileage Charge
DMDDemand charge
DNADunnage Allowance
Motor allowable deducted from line-haul charges for dunnage used to protect and secure shipments for transportation
DOCDocumentation Charge
DONDeposit in Lieu of Order
DOVContainer Diversion
DPBDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Barge Charge
DPDDrayage at Port of Debarkation
DPEDrayage at Port of Embarkation
DPLDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Rail Tank Car Charge
Amount by which an item has decreased in value
DPTDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer Charge
DPUDetention with Power Units (30 minute periods) Charge
DRVDriver License Record Report Charge
Report on a licensed driver's driving record
DRYDryer Charge
DSFDetention - Special Type Flat Car
DSMDromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
A service where the carrier furnishes a regular size dromedary which is equipped with properly installed mechanical restraints and devices for the blocking and bracing of freight
DSRDromedary Service Charge
Demountable 155-200 cu. ft. shipping container that can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bed
DSTContainer Destuffing
DTADiversion to Air Charge
DTBDetention (Labor)
DTCDestination Charge
DTDDestination Duty
DTFDestination Inland Freight
DTLDetention Loading
DTPDelivery of Fuel from Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline Charge
DTUDetention Unloading
DTVDetention (Vehicle)
Rail charge when rail-owned/leased trailers/containers on flatcar service are detained for loading/unloading
DWCDriver's Wages
DWPDetention with Power Units (60 minute periods) Charge
EACExchange Access Credit
Monthly credit per Telecommunications line, issued to offset a reduced rate calling plan available in another geographic area
EAXExtra Axles
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to install and rent an axle with wheels, tires, and brakes required for the transportation of a mobile home
EBDExhibition Delivery Charge
EBPExhibition Pickup Charge
ECCWill Call Charge
ECREscort/Courier Service Charge
ECSEmpty Railcar Ordered But Not Used Charge
EDDEquipment Hose at Destination Charge
Service charge for supplying special hose equipment for dispatching bulk fuel at destination
EDOEquipment Hose at Origin Charge
Service charge for supplying special hose equipment for dispatching bulk fuel at origin
EEAEarly Buy Allowance
EEBEarly Payment Allowance
EEFExpediting Fee
EEGOne Time Engineering Charge
EEHEngineering Charge
EEPExpediting Premium
EEXExport Shipping Charge
EICExport/Import Charge
ELSExtra Lights
Motor charge when a state agency requires extra lights be placed on an overdimensional shipment
EMREmergency Response Service
EMSEmergency Surcharge
EMTEmpty Movement
Motor charge when empty movement of equipment is required
ENCEnergy charge
ENSEnergy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
EPCEmergency Port Charge
EPSEnvironmental Protection Service
ERSEmpty Return
Motor charge when empty equipment is returned from the destination to point of origin to support a DoD initiative
ERTSatisfactory Service Standards Charge
ESAEarly Ship Allowance
ESCEmergency Service
ESDEstimated Customs Duty (Dutypaid - Charge)
ESEExternal Service Expense
Expense incurred by an organization for work done by an agency outside of the company assigned to provide a service
ETREmpty Trailer Returned Charge
EUCEuropean Port Charges
EVCExcessive Value Charge
EXCExclusive Use Charge
EXDExtra Driver
EXLExtra Length
EXMExcess Mileage Charge
EXPExpedited Service Charge
EXSExcess Periods
EXWExcess Weight
A special charge incurred by shipments that exceed the weight agreed to
EXZExpando Remove and Install
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to prepare, separate, and seal an expando room attached to a mobile home prior to movement and secure the room at destination after the transportation from one location to another has been performed
FABF.E.T. Federal Excise Tax
FACF.E.T. (Percent)
FADF.E.T. (Dollar Value)
FAEFabrication Charge
FAFF.E.T. Tires
FAGFreight Equalization
FAHFreight Surcharge
FAKBarge Freight All Kinds Service
FBDFreight, Based on Dollar Minimum
FCBFreight Charges to Border
FCDFreight Charges to Destination
FCIFreight Charges Inbound and Outbound
Charge or allowance is for freight charges both ways
FCSFurnishing Chassis
Rail charge when chassis are furnished by carrier to effect pickup or delivery of containers in Container on Flat Car (COFC) service
FDLFood and Lodging
FDSFinancial Document Surcharge
Charge for special handling of financial documents
FFCFuel Filters Furnished by Carrier Charge
FFIFinance Charge
FFLFreshness/Leaker Allowance
FFNSpecial Finish Charge
FFPFreight Passthrough
FFRFlat Rate
FFSFuel Filters Furnished by Shipper Charge
FIRFire Report
Report produced by the fire department that tended to a fire loss
FLSFlatrack Surcharge
FLTFerry Service
FMRForeign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
Costs to a supplier under contract to a prime contractor for using government-furnished equipment or facilities to make military parts for a foreign government; must be specified in the quotation and addressed as a separate line item in the purchase order
FMSForeign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
Surcharge added to orders for the sale of military hardware to a foreign country as authorized by the U.S. government
FRCFranchise fee
FTCFederal Transfer Surcharge
Surcharge to recover cost associated with the transfer of bill inquiry services to AT&T
FTRFiltration Service Charge
Service charge for providing pipeline filtration service
FUEFuel Charge
FWAForwarding Agent Commission
FWCForwarding Charge
FXETexas Rail Commission Fixed Charge
Charge fixed as defined by the Texas Railroad Commission
GARGarment District
GATGate Inspection Charge (Intermodal)
GDRGrain Doors
GGAGlaze Allowance
GGFGold Factor
A piece or ring of rubber, metal, etc., used to make a joint leakproof
GMSGarment Surcharge
GOCGovernment-owned Containers
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to utilize containers provided by the U. S. government for movement of used personal property belongings to U. S. government employees
GPDGulf Port Delivery Charge
GRDGroupage Discount
GRSGross Receipts Surcharge
Surcharge to recover revenues paid to the jurisdiction as annual gross earnings tax
GSPGovernment Guard Car Charge
Service charge for carrier-furnished guard cars for use by government personnel
GSSGreater Security Service
Rail security service providing seal tracing and inspection for rail movement of unclassified sensitive cargo
GSTGoods and Services Tax Charge
HANHandling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
HAZHazardous Cargo Charge
HBDHarbor Dues
HDFHeavy Duty Flat Car Charge
HDGHolding Charge
HDHShipment Holdover Charge for Holidays
Shipments may be held over on holidays for delivery the following normal workday morning when requested by the shipper; applicable for perishable subsistence.
HDWShipment Holdover Charge for Weekends
Friday pickups may be held over for Monday morning delivery when requested by the shipper for the convenience of the consignee. Applicable for perishable subsistence
HETHeat in Transit Charges
HFAHandling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
HHAHauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
HHGHousehold Goods Pick-up or Delivery
HICHighway Interchange
HLFHome Line Freight Charge
Special rate under most joint railroad facility contracts
HMAAccessible Hazardous Material
HMIInaccessible Hazardous Material
HOCHook-up charge
HOLSunday or Holiday Pick-up or Delivery
HOSHose Charge
HOXHose Charge Special
HRSHeater or Refrigeration
Rail charge when shipments of commodities require protective service from the heat or cold
HSCHigh Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
HULHeavy Lift
HZCHazardous Materials Surcharge Charge
HZDHazardous Cargo on Deck
HZSHazardous Storage
IAAIndustry Price Allowance
IABIncome Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
IACInspection Fee
ICECooling Service
IDCIdler Car Charge
IDDImproper Documentation
IDLInside Delivery
IDPInterdivision Profit
When one division of a corporation becomes a supplier to another division, an Interdivision Profit is specified separately (on non-competitive purchase orders associated with U.S. Government contracts and it is not to be included in the unit price or material cost)
IFCInbound Freight Charges
IHTInterstate/Highway Toll
IIAInvoice Adjustment
IIHIcing Inhibitor Charge
IIPItem Percentage
ILDIsland Delivery Charge
ILFInitial License Fee
A one-time fee charged by a manufacturer to a customer to license the manufacturer's products
ILPIsland Pick-Up Charge
Motor charge when impactographs are provided at the request of the shipper or consignee
IMSIntermodal Shipment Service Charge
INCInsurance Surcharge
INPInterplant Charge
INRInterest on refund
INTInterpreter Expense
IPCIntra-plant Charge
IPUInside Pick-up
IRAIrish Arbitraries
ISDInterest on security deposit
ISOIntermodal Storage (Origin)
ISTIntermodal Storage (Destination)
ITCInsulated Tank Charge
ITSInterline Transfer Charge
JSTJunction Settlement Charge
KITGlass Kit
Additional materials necessary for the installation of glass
LAALabor Charges
LABExtra Labor (Helper Service)
LACLading Adjustment Charge
LADLabor (Repair and Return Orders)
LAEOne-Time License Fee
LALLabor Adjustment Allowance
LATLicense and Title
LAYLayover Charges
LBRLight Bar Service Charge
LC2Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
LC4Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
LCGLate Order Charge
LCLPercent Differential - Less than Container
LCRLabor Cost of Removal
LDALoading Allowance
LDLUnloading Allowance
LDSLocomotive Delayed in Switching Service
LECLess than Container
LFCLift Charge (Intermodal)
LFDLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
LFTLift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pick-up/Delivery
Temporary housing
LHSLinehaul Service
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide special linehaul services; i.e. to or from a temporary storage site, for used household goods not included in the normal transportation from origin to destination locations
LIDRecurring License Fee
A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to the customer to license the manufacturer's product
LIELiability of Carrier Charge
LLBLimited Liability
LLCLot Charge
LLDLead Factor
LLFLoan Fee
LLSLocal Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authorities Below the State Level)
LMCLabor, Modify
LMDLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
LMELiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
LNTLabor, No Trouble Found
LOALoading (Labor Charges)
LOCLocal Delivery/Drayage
LPCLate payment charge
LPDLinehaul Percent Differential
LPFLaboratory Pack Fee
Charge for special, leakproof envelopes used to transport body fluids
LQDLiquidated Damages
LSCLabor Service
LSSLifeline Surcharge
Surcharge assessed to provide services to the economically deprived
LTCLabor, Test and Calibrate
LTELinehaul to Port of Embarkation
LUBLubricant Charge
LUPLocomotive Under Own Power
LUSLeaking underground storage tax (LUST)
LYCLayover Service Charge
MAAMetals Surcharge
MABMileage or Travel
MACMileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
MADMinimum Order/Minimum Billing Charge
MAEMonthly Rental
MARMarriage Rule
MATModified Atmosphere
MCCMachining Charge
Covers tasks procured in addition to outside production requirements set forth in a purchase requisition
Shaped trim that borders an object
MEAMeals or Lodging Charge
MENEscort Service with Overnight Subsistence
Motor charge when movement hour restrictions require an escort vehicle driver or flagmen to stay overnight
MESEscort Service
METEscort Service (Telephone)
Motor charge when shipper/consignee requests that vehicles be equipped with mobile telephones or two-way radios
MFCManifest Charge
MGAMessage Rate Adjustment
Adjustment to account for a message billing error
MGCMessage Charge
Charge for messages incurred through the use of a service
MICMinimum Charge
MILSpecial Mileage Movements
MINMinimum Guarantee
MKUMarkup Charge
Amount of price increase due to various circumstances
MLBMinimum Bill of Lading Charge
Charge incurred for meals
MMCMinimum/Maximum Charge
MMFMill Freight
MMSMarket Development Funds
MMTMetropolitan Transit Tax
MNCNotify Consignee
MNSMotor Surveillance Service
Motor security service which provides shippers with visibility of their shipments from origin to destination
MPCMiscellaneous Parts Charge
MRKMarking or Tagging Charge
MRPMedical Report Charge
Report of an individual's medical condition
MSCOther Accessorial Service Charge
MSGMiscellaneous Charge
MTRMeter Charge
MUSMunicipal Surcharge
Surcharge assessed to recover additional expense related to local utility gross revenue
MVRMotor Vehicle Report (MVR) Charge
Report of a person's driving history
MVSSpecial Motor Surveillance Charge
Motor security service which provides shipper with extraordinary visibility of their shipments in transit
MVTVenting Instructions
NAANon Generated Freight
NABNew Store Allowance
NALNozzle Charge
NCHOrder Notify Charge
NDSNon-document Surcharge
Charge for additional clearance processing of non-document freight
NFYCarrier Notification Charge
NHBN.H.D. Wharfage
NSDNew Store Discount
NWDNew Warehouse Discount
NYDNew York Delivery Charge
NYPNew York Pick-up Charge
OAAO.T.O. Charge
OABOverrun Charge
OACOvertime Loading
OCHOcean Charges -- Hazardous
OCNOver Height Container
ODFCollect on Delivery Deletion Charge
OFROfficial Report Charge
Reports written by an official organization (police, fire, etc.)
ONCOn Carriage
OOCOption Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
OODOn Deck Break Bulk Differential
OPCOptional Charge
ORCOperator Credit
Adjustment billed amount for operator issued credits
ORMOut of Route Miles
OSCOutside Charge
OSOOptional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
OSSOptional Software Support for Switching Systems
OUTOut of Zone Pick-up or Delivery
OVROver Dimension
OWCOver Width Container
PAAPercent of Product
PACPump Air Charge
PADPremium Charge
PAEPremium Transportation
PAFPrice Deviation
PAGProfessional Fees
PAHPromotional Allowance
PAIPromotional Discount
PAJPump Charge
PAKPreparation and Delivery
PALParts Adjustment Allowance
PARParts Charge
PATPriced Parts Charge
PAVPickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery Charge
PBAPrior billing amount
PBEPermits Bonds Escort Attendant
PBLPier Charges Other Than Wharfage
PCHProtective Service Charge
PCTCity Pick-up
PDBPrior Delivery Of Bill Charge
PDCPreloading Charge
PDSPickup and Delivery from Storage in Transit
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to pickup a household goods shipment at, or deliver to, a temporary storage facility
PDYPickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area Charge
PECPallet Exchange Charge
PENPenalty Charge
PERPermit Charge
PFAPower Factor Adjustment
Copy of any document produced by a copy machine
Photo pictures taken by a camera
PIRPier Pick-up and/or Delivery
PKSPacking Surcharge
PLCInsurance Placement Cost Charge
Provides for the exclusion of pallet weight from shipment weight not to exceed a stated percentage of total shipment weight
PMCPrior Month Credit
Adjustment to WATS billing for the amount of WATS charges billed in the prior period; issued when delayed usage has been received and the previous months billing has been recalculated using the complete usage information
PMRPaint and Materials
Paint and the items necessary to perform repair work
PMSPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service Charge
PMTPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time Charge
PMUNormal Pump Charge
PMXSpecial Pump Charge
PNAPrior Period Net Adjustment
Adjusting entry that corrects a previously invoiced amount
POCPiano/Organ Carry
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide special handling and transportation for a piano or organ as part of a household goods shipment
PODProof of Delivery
POLPolice Report Charge
Document produced by the police department describing a particular incident
POSPositioning at Origin
PPCPer Pound Charge
PPDPickup and Delivery Service for Perishables Charge
PPHPer Item Charge
PPIPick/Up Allowance
PPMPrecious Metal Content
PPNPallet Charge
PPOPer Order Charge
PPRPerformance Award
PPSPlacement and/or Removal Charge
PPTParish/County Sales Tax (only)
PPUPrepaid Usage Allowance
Adjustment to billed amount of Optional Calling Plan charges to credit account for Prepaid usage; this credit will not create a negative billed amount
PRBPrior Balance
PREPre-carriage Excess
Charge incurred for parking a vehicle
PRLPrelodge Charge
PRMPremise Use
PRPPrior Period Rebook
Corrected invoice amount that should have been invoiced originally
PRSStuffing Charge
PRVPrior Period Reversal
Reversal of a previously invoiced amount that was billed incorrectly
PSCProtective Service - Cold
PSDPreparation of Special Documents
PSGProtective Service Security with Armed Guards
Motor charge for Protective Security Service when shipper requires one or both cleared drivers be armed
PSHProtective Service - Heat
PSSProtective Service Security
Motor security service provided by cleared carrier for movement of Department of Defense secret shipments
PTCTobacco Products Report Charge
PTSProtective Tarp for Security Purposes
Motor charge when shipments containing classified material are tarped by the carrier for security purposes
PUCPick-up Charge
PUDPick-up and Delivery
PUKPack and Unpack
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to provide packing services at the origin location and unpacking services at destination site, including labor, packing material, and containers, as part of a household goods shipment
PVBBonded Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
PVDDetention of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
PVIInoperable Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
PVLLoading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
PVPPrivately Owned Vehicle Processing
PVSStop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment Charge
PVTPrivately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service Charge
PWHPier Charges - Wharfage
PWTPallet Allowance
PYSPriority Service Charge
QAAQuantity Surcharge
QQDQuantity Discount
RABReclamation, Federal
RACReclamation, State
RADRecovery Allowance
RAERedistribution Allowance
RAFRental Deduction
RAGRepack Charge
RAIResellers Discount
RAJRestocking Charge
RALRoll Rebate
RCANo Return Credit Allowance
RCBRepair at buyers expense charge
RCCReconsignment Charge
RCDReconsign Consignee Charge
RCERepair at customer expense charge
RCGRepair at government expense charge
RCPRecoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
RCSReconnect charge
RDCReconsign Delivery Charge
RDFResearch & development fee
RDHRailhead Handling
RECReturn Cargo Charge
REERegulatory Fee
Surcharge levied to fund a state regulatory commission
REGRegulatory tax
RELRequested Labor Charge
REPResidential Pick-up
REQRequest Via Canada
RESResidential Delivery
RETReturned Load
Amount of refund awarded to the customer due to a regulatory committee action
RFMReefer Maintenance
RGARegain Allowance
RGCRegain Charge
RHMRecurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to pay for maintenance on computer hardware as covered in a maintenance contract
RIDRiding Attendant Charge
RIEReleased Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability Charge
RLARetail Loss Allowance
A standard discount to compensate a retail organization for the cost of lost or damaged items during operations
RLCRents and Leases
RLQRelinquishment Charge
RLSRelocation of Vehicle
Motor charge when carrier is requested to move a vehicle from one platform doorway or shipping room to another
RMBRocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
RMCReturn of Empty Container Charge
RMDRefrigeration/Mechanical Detention
RMPReturn Movement of Pallet Charge
RMSRail Surveillance
Rail security service performed by the rail carriers in the movement of Government unclassified sensitive cargo
ROCRoll Out Adjustment
RPCReduction Prepalletized Cargo
RPDReefer Cargo Percent Differential
RRCReel Cable
RRDReel Deposit
RRFRefurbishing Charge
RRNRental Charge
RRPRepair Charge
RRRRegulatory required refund
RSMRecurring Software Maintenance Charge
A periodic fee charged by a manufacturer to pay for maintenance on computer software as covered in a maintenance contract
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to prepare a household goods shipment for onward movement when the shipment is diverted to a new destination location
RSSRestricted Speeds
Charge when the unusual nature of the shipment requires the carrier to operate at speeds below its normal limits
Shipper may reserve space in a vehicle for second and third Priviso commodities moving via Household Goods motor carriers only
RTCRate Code
SAASubject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
SABShipping and Handling
SACService Charge (with Cash Discount)
SADScrap Allowance
SAEShrink-Wrap Charge
SAFSpecial Credit
SAGState Motor Fuel
SAHStenciling Charge
SAISuper Fund Excise Tax
SAJSurcharge (Dollar Value)
SAKSurcharge (Percentage)
SANState Sales Charge
SAPService Assistance Program Surcharge
SASShipment Holdover on Weekends Charge
SATSaturday Pick-up or Delivery Charge
SBCStandby Charge
To contract another individual or organization to perform a duty or to fulfill an obligation that was not theirs originally
SCCSpecial Seal Charge
The additional service charge or order for a carrier to use specially constructed containers for oversized or fragile items as part of a household goods shipment
SCDSpecial Containers
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to use specially constructed containers for oversized or fragile items as part of a household goods shipment
SCGSmall Order Charge
SCLScale Charge
SCUScale Charge Unloading
SDCSpecial Detention Charge
SDLSplit Delivery
SDSSpecial Dromedary Service
Demountable shipping container (special sizes) than can be fastened to the chassis of a truck, tractor, or flat bed
SECSpecial Equipment Charge
SEEStairs, Elevator, Excess Carry
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to use stairs, elevators, or long carry as part of the origin or destination services on a household goods shipment
SEGSegregating (Sorting)
SELSelf Unloader
SEQShip Exact Quantity Charge
SERService Charge
SEVSecurity Escort Vehicle Service
Motor security service where carrier provides an escort vehicle to maintain surveillance of the cargo vehicle
SFBSingle Factor Origination/Destination
SFCStuffing Charge
SFDSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
SFESingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
SFTSpecial Train Movement
SGLSingle Pick-up
SHHShipment Holdover on Holidays Charge
SHLShipper Load
SHSState Hazardous Substance Tax
A tax that is paid by the first party to own a hazardous substance within the state
SHWShipment Holdover on Weekdays Charge
SKTSkirting and Unskirting
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to remove skirting from the mobile home prior to movement and reinstalling the skirting at destination after the transportation from one location to another has been performed
SLCStreet lamps charge
SLPSlip Sheet Charge
SMSState/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
Surcharge to offset the cost of mass commuter transportation
SNSSatellite Surveillance Service
Motor security service which provides satellite tracking and in transit status of a shipment 24 hours a day
SNTShipment from Non-temp Storage
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform pickup and inspection of household goods from a long-term storage facility
SOCStop-off Charge
SOPStop-off at Pier Charge
SPASpecial Allowance
SPBSpecial Buy
SPCSpecial Permits
SPDSpreader Charge
SPLSpool Charge
SPPSplit Pick-Up at Pier Charge
SPSSpecial Freight Supplements
SPTSpotting of Trailer
SPUSplit Pick-up
SRSSurveying Routes
Charge when, because of the unusual size or weight of the shipment, a survey of the route is required for its safety
SSBSuper Bag Charge
SSCStripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
SSFSingle Shipment Fee
SSLSelect Charge
SSOPole, Wood-service Charge
SSPShipside Pickup
SSSSoftware Support Service
SSTSales Tax (State and Local)
SSUPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
SSXSales and Use Tax
STAConductivity/Anti-static Additive
STCState Surcharge
Surcharge to provide funds to the state, (specific use of funds not available to TBWG at this time)
STDStop-off at Destination
STFContainer Stuffing
STLStandard Labor Charge
STMSteaming Charge
STOStowage Charge
STPStopping in Transit
STQStop-off at Origination
STRStorage in Transit
STWSpecial tooling rework charge
SUCSpecial Use
SUFSufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
SUPSupervisor Charge
SVASingle Invoice Allowance
SVLManual Surveillance of Shipment
SVSStorage of Vehicles
Charge for vehicles on a flat car held by carrier, beyond the free time allowed, for any reason not the fault of the carrier
SWCSwitching Charge
TAATelephone Charge
TABTank Rental
TACTemporary Allowance
TADTax on Transportation
TAETemporary Voluntary Allowance
TAFTerminal Differential
TAGTesting Charge
TAHTool Charge
TAITesting Allowance
TAJTrade In
TAKTransportation and Setup
TALTruckload Discount
TARTarping Charge
TAXTax Charge
TAYGovernmental Tax
TCBTelegram Chargeback
Adjustment for telegram charges billed on behalf of Western Union
TCMTransportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
TDTTruck Detention
TERTerminal Charge
TLCTrimming Charge
TMSMulti-Tank Surveillance Service
Charge for security service performed by railroads applicable when two M1 tanks are loaded on a rail car
TMVTendering of Multiple Vehicles
Charge for delay when all vehicles on a flatcar shipment are not delivered to the ramp in a specified period of time
TOATotal Assessorial Charges
TOCTOFC Service Charge
TPACarrier Equipment Pool Charge
TPCThroughput Container Charge
TPSThird-Party Service
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to obtain independent contractors or companies to perform certain services on a household goods shipment that are not covered under an existing commercial or military tariff and the carrier is entitled to recover expenses or costs
TRATravel Charge
TRCTrailer Rental Charge
TRETravel Expense
Expense incurred for traveling from one location to another
TRFTransfer Charge
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to terminate the movement of a household goods shipment at origin or enroute to a destination location
TRPProcess in Transit Privilege
TRSTransferred Charges
Adjustment for delayed charges or payments to an account number no longer in service
TRUThruway Charge
TSCTesting Services Charge
TSSTank Surveillance Service
Charge for security service performed by railroads applicable when one M1 tank is loaded on a rail car
TSTTrack Storage
TTATank Car Allowance
TTBTransportation-Direct Billing
TTDTrade Discount
TTLLocal Tax
TTMTax on Miscellaneous Charges
TTPThird Party Allowance
TTRThroughput Allowance
TTSState Tax
TTTTransportation - Third Party Billing
TTUTire Repair and Replace
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to repair or replace military member-owned tires and/or tubes used on a mobile home
TTVTransportation - Vendor Provided
TURTurning Charge
TWOTwo Door Pick Up
UFCUnder Carriage Furnished By Carrier Charge
UNLUnloading (Labor Charges)
UPDUsage Plan Detail Charge
Charges for providing additional usage details associated with a measured usage or Optional Calling Plan
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to perform unpacking services on an unaccompanied baggage shipment that are not covered under the carrier filed transportation rate
URCUnloading/Reloading Charge
USFUse - Special Type Flat Car
USVU.S. Vehicles
USWUnabsorbed Switching
UTLUtilities Disconnect and Connect
The additional service charge or order for a transportation carrier to disconnect utilities attached to a mobile home prior to movement and reconnect utilities at destination after transportation from one location to another has been performed
UTPUse charge tooling/personnel
UUCUp Charge
UUMUnsalable Merchandise Allowance
UUTUse Tax
VAAVendor Freight
VABVolume Discount
VCLVan Cleaning
VCRVoluntary contribution charge
VEXExcess Mileage for Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
VFNVehicles Furnished But Not Used
Charge when a vehicle is furnished at shippers request and loading of such vehicle is subsequently cancelled by shipper
VISVehicles Inoperable
Charge when a vehicle is inoperable and is loaded/unloaded in truckaway service by the truckaway driver
VITVirgin Island Transfer Charge
VORVehicle Ordered but Not Used
VSOStop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
VTSVehicles in Truckway
Charge when vehicles, before loading in truckaway service, exceed 64" in height measured from ground to top of vehicle
VVLVehicle Load Allowance
VVPVehicle Prep Charge (courtesy delivery)
WARWar Risk Surcharge
WATWide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
Credit given to eligible WATS usage having chargeable hours exceeding a minimum quantity
WBBWharfage - Breakbulk
WCTWharfage - Container
WDSWaterfront Delivery Charge
Service charge for waterfront delivery of bulk fuel
WEAWeather Protection
WEIWeighing Charge (Intermodal)
WFHWharfage & Handling
WFTWasted/Futile Trip
WHCWarehouse Charge
WRBWar Risk Crew Bonus
WRCLoad Weighing Charge
WREEmpty Weighing Charge
WRIWar Risk Insurance
WSAWarehouse Allowance
WTGWaiting Time
WTMWaiting Time Service Charge
WTVWeight Verification Charge
WWCWharfage Charge
Z01Protective Service Rule 25
Charges for protective services not included in freight rate
Z02Protective Service Rule 27
Charges for protective service on shipments in articulated cars
Z03Protective Service Rule 37
Prepayment of protective service charges
Z04Protective Service Rule 75
Change in protective service
Z05Protective Service Rule 95
Protective service diversions and reconsignments
Z06Protective Service Rule 140
Charges for disinfecting refrigeration cars
Z07Protective Service Rule 160
Protective service on mixed shipments
Z08Protective Service Rule 165
Freight in bunkers of refrigerator cars
Z09Protective Service Rule 500
Protective service against cold
Z10Protective Service Rule 510
Shippers protective service
Z11Protective Service Rule 518
Charge on out-of-line or back haul on refrigeration cars
Z12Protective Service Rule 530
Intermediate Stop or Hold Points and Destination Service at Origin on refrigeration equipment
Z13Protective Service Rule 531
Charges for heater on shipments stopped in transit for partial unloading
Z14Protective Service Rule 545
Transportation of heaters with freight
Z15Protective Service Rule 565
Allowance to shippers for prewarming cars on shipment of potatoes
Z16Protective Service Rule 570
Protective service on shipments destined to stations on Alaska Railroad
Z17Protective Service Rule 580
Special heater protective service (from Western Territory)
Z18Protective Service Rule 581
Special heater protective service (from Eastern and Southern Territories)
Z19Protective Service Rule 705
Frozen commodities
Z20Protective Service Rule 710
Nonfrozen commodities
Z21Protective Service Rule 711
Modified mechanical protective service
Z22Protective Service Rule 712
Shipper-specified mechanical service
Z23Protective Service Rule 716
Liquid CO2 used in lieu of MPS in shipper-furnished cars
Z24Protective Service Rule 720
Mechanical car used for shipments where MPS not ordered
Z25Protective Service Rule 725
Detention of refrigeration equipment
Z26Protective Service Rule 727
Detention at stations in Canada of refrigeration equipment
Z27Protective Service Rule 735
Mechanical car ordered but not used
Z28Protective Service Rule 740
Charge for frozen commodities stopped in transit
Z29Protective Service Rule 760
Charges for refrigeration equipment on shipments stopped to complete loading or for partial unloading
Z30Protective Service Rule 815
Protective service included in freight rate waybilling
Z31Quality Differential
General code to be used for all quality associated differentials including: gravity, quality, sulfur, value-bonus, or equal barrel
Z32Protective Service Rule 26
Non-application of Mechanical Protective Service Charges
Z33Protective Service Rule 715
Shipper Furnished, Owned or Leased Cars
Z34Protective Service Rule 745
Back or Out-of-Line-Haul Charges
Z35Protective Service Rule 755
ZFFFirst Flight Out
ZZZMutually Defined

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