M15 U.S. Customs Events Advisory Details
To notify U.S. Customs of in-bond cargo movement or of a conveyance arrival or departure, or of transfer of custodial liability when an in-bond movement involves multiple legs
Code indicating type of notifications
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
For cargo arrival or export notifications or transfer of liability, M1502 can be an in-bond number, bill of lading number or container ID. For conveyance arrival and departures, M1502 will contain the voyage or trip number.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD
M1503 is the date of cargo movement, transfer of liability, or conveyance arrival or departure.
Code which identifies a specific location
R0410: At least one of M15-04 or M15-10 is required
M1504 is the Schedule D code for place of cargo movement, transfer of liability or conveyance arrival or departure.
For M1504 use Schedule D for port of arrival.
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M1505 is the unique bill of lading issuer code, required when M1501 is "2", "6", or "B".
Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
M1506 is the time of cargo movement, transfer of liability, or conveyance arrival or departure.
Unique number on seal used to close a shipment
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
M1508 is the Internal Revenue Service identification number of the next in-bond carrier.
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M1509 is the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the next in-bond carrier.
Free-form text for city name
C1110: If M15-11 is present, then M15-10 is required
M1510 is the city in which a transfer of custodial liability occurs.
Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency
M1511 is the state or province code for the city named in M1510.
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
If M1512 is "Y", then M1510 is an intermediate port. If "N", then M1510 is the port of final destination.