735 Hierarchical Level Code
Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description 1 Service/Billing Provider Code identifying the telecommunications company providing service/billing2 Billing Arrangement Code identifying a specified billing arrangement2A Branch 2B Direct Affiliate Company in which a business owns a minority share2C Director 2D Headquarters 2E Indirect Affiliate Company where relationship is through management and/or stockholders2F Management Antecedents 2G Management or Principal 2H Parent Company 2I Stockholder 2J Subsidiary 2K Ultimate Domestic Parent Company Top parent in the family tree located in the country2L Ultimate Parent Company Top parent in the family tree3 Sub-Billing Arrangement Code identifying a more detailed billing arrangement4 Group Code identifying a group of charges on the bill5 Category Code identifying the sub-division of the group6 Sub-Category Code identifying a further breakdown of the category7 Type Code identifying a further breakdown of the sub-category8 Charge Detail Code identifying the lowest level of charges within a billing arrangement9 Line Detail Code identifying the supporting detail associated with the charge or group19 Provider of Service 20 Information Source Identifies the payor, maintainer, or source of the information21 Information Receiver Identifies the provider or party(ies) who are the recipient(s) of the information22 Subscriber Identifies the employee or group member who is covered for insurance and to whom, or on behalf of whom, the insurer agrees to pay benefits23 Dependent Identifies the individual who is affiliated with the subscriber, such as spouse, child, etc., and therefore may be entitled to benefits24 Supergroup 25 Subgroup 26 Member 27 Ancillary Facility or Department 28 Hospital 29 Franchisor 30 Franchisee 31 Franchisee Association 32 Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) Health Industry Number (HIN) Database 33 Activity 34 Location Record 35 Company/Corporation Any company or business36 Operating Unit Any operating business unit within a company or corporation37 Property Any, building, structure, or body of land that is considered a single thing38 Tradename A name by which the public identifies a business or product that is owned by a company or business39 Accountant 40 Financial Institution 41 Product Level 42 Activity Details 43 Payment Summary Score 44 Corporate Registration Filings 45 Bankruptcy Details 46 Company History 47 Complete Financial History 48 Balance Sheet 49 Comparative Figures 50 Payment Analysis 51 Special Notification 52 Public Record Financing Details 53 Public Record Financing Summary 54 Public Record Claim Details 55 Public Record Claim Summary 56 Statement of Work A part of a description of what work needs to be performed under a contract57 Legal Action Details 58 Legal Action Summary 59 Company Evaluation 60 Company Summary 61 Credit Scores 62 Industry Averages A Assembly AD Administrative Information AG Agent AL Alternate Specification - Lift Level Designates the hierarchical level detail specifications of the largest warehouse/shop floor applications; alternate specification to be used as an option when the primary can not be providedAP Credential Action AS Animal Subject Group B Buyer's Location BD Building BE Business Entity BP Body Part C Date CB Contractholder Branch Office CC Cost Center A location to which incurred costs accrueCE Cost Element A element of cost within a total proposed priceCH Contractholder CI Cause of Injury CL Claimant CN Container CO Consortium CT Cost Type A breakdown of the type of cost being incurredD Product Description DG Drawing DP Department An organization entity within a larger business entityE Transportation Equipment ED Engineering Data List EL Exhibit Line Item A number for a document referenced in and appended to a procurement instrument that establishes a delivery requirementEM Employer EV Event EX Exception F Component FC Function Code A function within a larger set describing the total work to be performedFG Functional Group FI Financial Information FL Fleet FR Frame G Quality Characteristics A historical record of product quality characteristics and or discrepancies for a given item of supplyGC Group Coverage Options GP Group Purchasing Organization GW Group Work Candidate H Bill of Materials I Item IA Subline Item A subdivision of the line item, typically used to describe a separate point of deliveryIB Contract An agreement between partnersIC Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) IN Interchange J Part Characteristic JU Jurisdiction K Kit L Supplier's Location M Measurement ML Manufacturing Level Nesting category for use in the HL segment that defines manufacturing or processing stages associated with specification, characteristics, controls, activities, or measurementsNI Nature of Injury NS National Stock Number O Order OS Support P Pack PA Primary Administrator PB Personal Property PC Project Code A part of a larger effortPD Procedure PH Product Characteristic PL Primary Specification - Lift Level Designates the hierarchical level detailing specifications of the largest unitized configuration to be handled mechanically in warehouse/shop floor applications; "primary" indicates preferred or mandatory, and all subsequent "HL" segments contain specifications of upper or interior levels of the lift level as requiredPP Related Parties PR Principal An entity granting authority to another to act in its behalf, such as a lobbyist's principal or an entity granting power of attorney.PS Property Segment Group PT Patient PY Payment Detail Q Subpack R Quantity RA Reporting Agency RB Response RC Response Details RD Response Sub-details RE Response Particular RF Medication RM Room RP Report The level of the hierarchical structure used to identify basic report informationS Shipment SA Secondary Administrator SB Substitute SC Subcontract Line Item A further subdivision of a contract line item number, used for information or when a separate delivery is involvedSD Support Document SE Subexhibit Line Item A further subdivision of a contract exhibit line itemSH Sheet SI Source of Injury SL Solicitation SP Sub-Project SR Subroom SS Services SY System A completed system typically composed of several itemsT Shipping Tare TI Technical Information Package TS Transaction Set U Subassembly UT Unit or Lot V Address Information The HL loop will identify entities associated with the shipment notice transactionW Transaction Reference Number The HL loop will identify shipment notice information for each reported transaction reference numberWB Work Breakdown Structure An individual element of work portrayed in tree structure stages of the total performance of a contractWC Work Candidate Identifies a maintenance or repair requirementWL Well WP Well Completion WR Wellbore X Serial Number Serial numbers applicable to a referenced item of supplyY Suffix The HL loop will identify shipment notice information for each reported suffixZZ Mutually Defined
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