569 Account Number Qualifier

Code indicating the type of account

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 3
1New Business Account
01Time Deposit
2Group Number
3Policy Number
03Checking Account
07Life Insurance Face Value
08Retirement Account - Vested Interest
10Business Account
11Trust Fund Account
12Stocks and Bonds Account
13Life Insurance Account - Net Cash Value
14Employee Retirement Account (401K)
ALCAgency Location Code (ALC)
BABrokerage Account
CBCharge Back Account for Returns
CCCredit Card
CDMControlled Disbursement Master Account
CDSControlled Disbursement Sub Account
CMCash Management
CRUCredit Union
DADemand Deposit
DCDebit Card
ECExisting Carrier
EPCEnriched Plan Contract Number
LTDLong-term Disability Policy Number
MUTMutual Fund
PRIPrimary Bank
RDReturn Items on Demand Deposit Account
RELRelationship Summary Account
Relationship Summary Account is a key account under which individual accounts are related
RSReturn Items on Savings Account
SKASafekeeping (Custody) Account
ZMutually Defined
ZB1Zero Balance Master Account
ZB2Zero Balance Affiliate Account

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