1432 Business Purpose of Assurance

The stated business purpose for appending the assurance to an existing secured-entity (whether functional group or transaction set); the codes represent the intention of the business or application that has control over the assurance originator

Identifier (ID)
Min 3 / Max 3
ASGAuthorization Signature Appropriate to this Document
ASPAuthorization to Service Provider
CSGAuthorization Co-signature Appropriate to this Document
EPAApproval Certification of Environmental Protection Agency
EXPExport Approval Certification
MRRMedical Record Release Certification
PPSPaid Preparer's Signature
PRPPreparer's Signature
TAXAuthorization Signature Appropriate to Submitter of Filing of Taxation Return (TS 813 and others) and under Penalties Prescribed by the Relevant Laws
TSOTime Stamp Only (No Responsibility for Contents)
ZZZMutually Defined

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