1106 Address Component Qualifier

Code qualifying the type of address component

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
01Street Number
02Street Name
03Prefix Direction
04Suffix Direction
05P.O. Box Number
06Rural Route Number
07City Name
08State Name
09State Postal Code
10Zip Code (5 Digit)
11Zip Code Addendum (4 Digit)
12Building Name
13Apartment Number
14Suite Number
15Unstructured Street Address
16Unstructured City and State and Zip Code
17Unstructured City and State
18Unstructured Mailing Address
19Zip Code (9 Digit)
22Map Coordinates and Directions
24State or Province Abbreviation
A division of territory in surveys of US public land containing 36 sections or square miles
A political unit, such as a city or town, that is incorporated and self-governing
A sub-entity of a specified ward, quarter, or district in a Spanish speaking county or territory
28Association Name
29Parking Unit Number
The pier at which a ship or boat is docked
The particular wing of a building
A particular floor or level of a building
The driveway or private road connecting a house, garage, or another building with the street
A particular lot or piece of land
A walled room or partitioned area of a building
The slip or location on a pier at which a ship or boat is docked
A unit or separate structure
38Property Address
39Unstructured Property
40Street Suffix
51Drawer Number
U.S. mailing address type used in some regions
52Foreign Region or Province
53Postal District
Used in some foreign countries (e.g., Cedex in France)
54Street Number Alpha
57Cross Street
58International Postal Code
59Street Number Low
60Street Number High
61Street Number Fraction
62Street Name Suffix
63Secondary Unit Identifier
64Secondary Unit Number
65ZIP Code Delivery Point Addendum
66ZIP Code Delivery Point BarCode (DPBC) Checkdigit
67Postal Service Carrier Route
68Postal Service Carrier Route Line of Travel (LOT)
69Postal Service Address Change Service (ACS) Keyline
71Congressional District Code
74Zip Code (11 digit)
79International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Country Code
80Street Name Prefix
90Access Customer Terminal Location (ACTL)
91Additional Point of Termination (APOT)
92Local Service Termination (LST)
93Specific Point of Interface (XPOI)
A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west, from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey
97Geographical Area

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