L13 Commodity Details
To specify the commodity details
Code identifying the commodity coding system used for Commodity Code
Code describing a commodity or group of commodities
Code specifying the type of quantity
Numeric value of quantity
Code to qualify amount
Monetary amount
Number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set
L1307 is a sequential control number assigned by the sender. It must be unique within a statistical month.
Code specifying the type of quantity
P0809: If either L13-08 or L13-09 is present, then the other is required
Numeric value of quantity
Code specifying the weight unit
P1011: If either L13-10 or L13-11 is present, then the other is required
Numeric value of weight
Free-form descriptive text
L1312 is any additional description of the commodity that could help distinguish it from other similar commodities.
Code which specifies the export symbol marked on a shipment
Identifying number for a product or service
L1314 is the seller's identification for the commodity.
Code specifying the reason a commodity is exempt from Harbor Maintenance Fees
P1516: If either L13-15 or L13-16 is present, then the other is required
Monetary amount
L1316 is the amount of the exemption from the Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF).