892 Line Item Change Reason Code
Code defining reason for any difference between quantity ordered and quantity shipped for a line item
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 2 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description 01 Out of Stock 02 Equipment Cut 03 Booking Location Request 04 On Hold 05 Order Discrepancy 06 Receiving Location Request 07 Inventory Discrepancy 08 Material Shortage 09 Substitution 10 Diverted Item 11 Loading Error Warehouse, central customer pickup, or common carrier loaded wrong product12 Inbound Carrier Failure Carrier failed to deliver consignment product on time (and damage free) when shipped from the origin location with sufficient lead time13 Product Allocation Exceeded Order requested more product than was allocated for production or shipment or order requested shipment before or after availability period14 Improperly Sized Order Order requested more product than vehicle could accommodate based on weight, cube, or pallet condisiderations15 Wrong Equipment Improperly sized equipment, wrong configuration, lacking required temperature controls, etc.16 Insufficient Equipment Space Insufficient space on customer or common carrier equipment due to other previously loaded product17 Discontinued Item 20 Late Stock Transfer 21 Inadequate Lead Time 22 Stock Transfer Not Set Up 23 Item Not Stocked at Shipping Location 24 Product Withdrawn 25 Addition Requested by Customer 26 Bacteria Clearance ZZ Mutually Defined
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