1264 Delayed Repayment Reason Code

Code identifying the reason for delayed repayment on a student loan

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 2
1Full-Time Student
2At Least Half-time Student
3Graduate Fellowship
4Internship or Residency
5Rehabilitation Training
6Armed Forces or Public Health Services or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
7National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
8Public Health Service
9Peace Corps
10Domestic Volunteer
11Tax-Exempt Organization Volunteer
12Teacher Shortage
13Temporarily Totally Disabled
14Parental Leave
15Mother of Preschool Child Re-entering Workforce
16Unemployment - 36 months
17Unemployment - 24 months
20Persian Gulf War Active Duty
23Special Case
24Economic Hardship
26Intent to Re-Enroll in School
27ACTION Programs
28Pre-deferment Delinquency
29Late Repayment Start
30Medical Problems
31Interval between Disbursements
32National Emergency (Military or Natural)
33Due Diligence Cure
34Conform Differing Due Dates
35National Community Service
36Education Loan Debt Burden
37Revoked Deferment

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