VEH Vehicle Information
To provide descriptions that identify a specific vehicle
Number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set.
Unique identification number stamped on the vehicle by the manufacturer.
The first two characters in the designation of the year (CCYY).
C0304: If VEH-03 is present, then VEH-04 is required
The last two characters in the designation of the year (CCYY).
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values.
L050608: If VEH-05 is present, then at least one of VEH-06 or VEH-08 is required
VEH05 applies to VEH06, VEH07, and VEH08.
A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic.
C0605: If VEH-06 is present, then VEH-05 is required
VEH06 is vehicle make.
A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic.
C070506: If VEH-07 is present, then VEH-05 and VEH-06 are required
VEH07 is the vehicle model.
A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic.
C0805: If VEH-08 is present, then VEH-05 is required
VEH08 is the vehicle style.
Largest horizontal dimension of an object measured when the object is in the upright position.
VEH09 is the length of a vehicle measured in feet.
Reference number or identification number as defined for a particular Transaction Set, or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier.
VEH10 is the vehicle reference number.
Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency.
VEH11 is the vehicle registration state or province.
Code which identifies a specific location.
VEH12 is used to identify a territory as defined by trading partners.
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response.
VEH13 is the Used Car Indicator. A value of ``Y'' indicates the vehicle is a used vehicle. A value of ``N'' indicates the vehicle is a new vehicle. A value of ``U'' indicating unknown cannot be used.
Monetary amount.
VEH14 is the original cost of the vehicle when it was new (i.e. OCN - original cost new).
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response.
VEH15 is the Vehicle Altered Indicator. A value of ``Y'' indicates the vehicle was altered. A value of ``N'' indicates the vehicle was not altered.
The value of ``U'' indicating unknown cannot be used.
Monetary amount.
VEH16 is the value of alterations for a vehicle.