M13 Manifest Amendment Details
To correct a manifest record prior to conveyance arrival or to amend a manifest record after conveyance arrival
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M1301 is the conveyance operator's standard carrier alpha code (SCAC).
Code which identifies a specific location.
M1302 is used for discharge port (4-digit numeric census schedule D).
Code identifying type of manifest amendment.
Identification number assigned to the shipment by the carrier or consolidator.
Numeric value of quantity.
M1305 is new manifest quantity and is used if M1303 = ``R''.
Code giving the reasons for the amendment of the manifest record.
Code indicating type of action.
Identification number assigned to the shipment by the carrier or consolidator.
P0810: If either M13-08 or M13-10 is present, then the other is required
M1308 is used to report individual portions of a consolidated shipment.
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M1309 is the bill of lading issuer code.
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M1310 is the issuer code for the consolidated shipment.