IIS Interchange Identification Segment
To uniquely identify an interchange
This contains the interchange start segment ID of the original interchange
This is the interchange control number value of original interchange
IIS02, IIS03, IIS04, IIS05,IIS06, IIS07, and IIS08 identify the interchange being reported.
This is the interchange date value of original interchange
This is the interchange time value of original interchange
This is the sender ID qualifier value appearing in original interchange
This is the sender ID value appearing in original interchange
This is the receiver ID qualifier value appearing in original interchange
This is the receiver ID value appearing in original interchange
This is the ID qualifier appearing in original interchange
P0910: If either IIS-09 or IIS-10 is present, then the other is required
IIS09, IIS10, IIS11, and IIS12 are used to report additional identification codes.
This contains information from the original interchange, as defined by the First Reference ID Qualifier data element
This contains ID qualifier information appearing in original interchange
P1112: If either IIS-11 or IIS-12 is present, then the other is required
This contains information from the original interchange, as defined by the Second Reference ID Qualifier data element