584 Employment Status Code

Code showing the general employment status of an employee/claimant.

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
DCDischarged or Terminated for Cause
DQDisqualified: Medical or Physical Condition
DRDisqualified: Other
FAFurloughed: Job Abolished, Force Reduction
FBFurloughed: Bumped or Displaced
FCFurloughed: Facility Closed
FOFurloughed: Other
LALeave of Absence: Personal
LELeave of Absence: Education
LMLeave of Absence: Maternity
LSLeave of Absence: Sickness
LULeave of Absence: Union
LWLeave of Absence: Without Permission, Unauthorized
RAResigned: Retired
RIResigned: Injury
RPResigned: Personal Reasons
SAResigned: Accepted Separation Allowance

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