EFI Electronic Format Identification
To provide basic information about the electronic format of the interchange data.
Code indicating the level of confidentiality assigned by the sender to the information following.
Free-form message text.
Code indicating that this element will be used to tell an EDI translator program which security tehnique to use.
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm.
Identifies the name of the software program from which the technical data originates.
If EFI05 is used then EFI04 must be used.
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm.
Industry or proprietary standard used to identify the format of the data.
If EFI07 is used then EFI06 must be used.
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm.
Identifies the digital data compression means and the type.
If EFI09 is used then EFI08 must be used.
Code indicating the drawing size and orientation of a technical drawing as specified and described in the current version of standards ANSI Y14.1 and ISO 5457 (E). See the listed ANSI and ISO standards for the maximum lengths for rolled sheets.*
Name assigned or declared for a file or used by a program to identify a file. Exact format of the name depends on the computer operating system being used. Name also may be known as the file's ``data set name''.
Organization of a data block such as fixed length, variable length, spanned, etc. Synonym for ``data format''.
Quantity of characters or bytes in a record. Synonyms are ``logical record length'' and ``record size''.
Quantity of data elements in a block, usually specified in units such as records, words or characters. Synonym for ``block size''.