E12 Section Indicator
To provide information related to the transaction set area (i.e., heading/detail/summary) of a transaction set for the electronic form of the X12 standards.
Code indicating the type maintenance operation.
Relative position of the segment in the transaction set.
When E1202 is used in the Electronic Form Transaction Set (868) to send a complete transaction set, it is 10 for the first segment and incremented by 10 for each succeeding segment to the end of the transaction set. When used in the Electronic Form Transaction Set to delete or replace an existing segment, it is the matching sequence number of the segment existing in the transaction set. When used in the Electronic Form Transaction Set to add a segment, it is a number which will insert the new segment in its position within the transaction set. If more than nine segments are inserted between existing segments, then a segment must be deleted and added back.
Whenever a new version number is used, then all segments must be re-sequenced in increments of 10.
Designates the section of a transaction set standard.
A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content.