IDE Identity
To identify an object.
Code qualifying a type of object.
Code specifying the unique identity of an object.
Code qualifying the identification of an object.
Element marked for deletion for interactive use in D.01A and replaced by NME/E012. Usage indicator will revert to (B) in D.01A.
Code specifying a status.
For transport status, use UN/ECE Recommendation 24.
Code specifying the identity of a party.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code specifying a status.
For transport status, use UN/ECE Recommendation 24.
Number indicating the level of an object which is in a hierarchy.
A code specifying a characteristic.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Free form description of a characteristic.
Free form description of a characteristic.