APERAK | Application error and acknowledgement message A code to identify the application error and acknowledgement message. |
AUTACK | Secure authentication and acknowledgement message A code to identify the secure authentication and acknowledgement message. |
AUTHOR | Authorization message A code to identify the authorization message. |
BANSTA | Banking status message A code to identify the banking status message. |
BAPLIE | Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message A code to identify the bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message. |
BAPLTE | Bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message A code to identify the bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message. |
BOPBNK | Bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message A code to identify the bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message. |
BOPCUS | Balance of payment customer transaction report message A code to identify the balance of payment customer transaction report message. |
BOPDIR | Direct balance of payment declaration message A code to identify the direct balance of payment declaration message. |
BOPINF | Balance of payment information from customer message A code to identify the balance of payment information from customer message. |
CALINF | Vessel call information message A code to identify the vessel call information message. |
CASINT | Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message A code to identify the request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message. |
CASRES | Legal administration response in civil proceedings message A code to identify the legal administration response in civil proceedings message. |
COARRI | Container discharge/loading report message A code to identify the container discharge/loading report message. |
CODECO | Container gate-in/gate-out report message A code to identify the container gate-in/gate-out report message. |
CODENO | Permit expiration/clearance ready notice message A code to identify the permit expiration/clearance ready notice message. |
COEDOR | Container stock report message A code to identify the container stock report message. |
COHAOR | Container special handling order message A code to identify the container special handling order message. |
COMDIS | Commercial dispute message A code to identify the commercial dispute message. |
CONAPW | Advice on pending works message A code to identify the advice on pending works message. |
CONDPV | Direct payment valuation message A code to identify the direct payment valuation message. |
CONDRA | Drawing administration message A code to identify the drawing administration message. |
CONDRO | Drawing organisation message A code to identify the drawing organisation message. |
CONEST | Establishment of contract message A code to identify the establishment of contract message. |
CONITT | Invitation to tender message A code to identify the invitation to tender message. |
CONPVA | Payment valuation message A code to identify the payment valuation message. |
CONQVA | Quantity valuation message A code to identify the quantity valuation message. |
CONRPW | Response of pending works message A code to identify the response of pending works message. |
CONTEN | Tender message A code to identify the tender message. |
CONTRL | Syntax and service report message A code to identify the syntax and service report message. |
CONWQD | Work item quantity determination message A code to identify the work item quantity determination message. |
COPARN | Container announcement message A code to identify the container announcement message. |
COPINO | Container pre-notification message A code to identify the container pre-notification message. |
COPRAR | Container discharge/loading order message A code to identify the container discharge/loading order message. |
COREOR | Container release order message A code to identify the container release order message. |
COSTCO | Container stuffing/stripping confirmation message A code to identify the container stuffing/stripping confirmation message. |
COSTOR | Container stuffing/stripping order message A code to identify the container stuffing/stripping order message. |
CREADV | Credit advice message A code to identify the credit advice message. |
CREEXT | Extended credit advice message A code to identify the extended credit advice message. |
CREMUL | Multiple credit advice message A code to identify the multiple credit advice message. |
CUSCAR | Customs cargo report message A code to identify the customs cargo report message. |
CUSDEC | Customs declaration message A code to identify the customs declaration message. |
CUSEXP | Customs express consignment declaration message A code to identify the customs express consignment declaration message. |
CUSREP | Customs conveyance report message A code to identify the customs conveyance report message. |
CUSRES | Customs response message A code to identify the customs response message. |
DEBADV | Debit advice message A code to identify the debit advice message. |
DEBMUL | Multiple debit advice message A code to identify the multiple debit advice message. |
DELFOR | Delivery schedule message A code to identify the delivery schedule message. |
DELJIT | Delivery just in time message A code to identify the delivery just in time message. |
DESADV | Despatch advice message A code to identify the despatch advice message. |
DESTIM | Equipment damage and repair estimate message A code to identify the equipment damage and repair estimate message. |
DGRECA | Dangerous goods recapitulation message A code to identify the dangerous goods recapitulation message. |
DIRDEB | Direct debit message A code to identify the direct debit message. |
DIRDEF | Directory definition message A code to identify the directory definition message. |
DOCADV | Documentary credit advice message A code to identify the documentary credit advice message. |
DOCAMA | Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message A code to identify the advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message. |
DOCAMI | Documentary credit amendment information message A code to identify the documentary credit amendment information message. |
DOCAMR | Request for an amendment of a documentary credit message A code to identify the request for an amendment of a documentary credit message. |
DOCAPP | Documentary credit application message A code to identify the documentary credit application message. |
DOCARE | Response to an amendment of a documentary credit message A code to identify the response to an amendment of a documentary credit message. |
DOCINF | Documentary credit issuance information message A code to identify the documentary credit issuance information message. |
FINCAN | Financial cancellation message A code to identify the financial cancellation message. |
FINSTA | Financial statement of an account message A code to identify the financial statement of an account message. |
GENRAL | General purpose message A code to identify the general purpose message. |
GESMES | Generic statistical message A code to identify the generic statistical message. |
HANMOV | Cargo/goods handling and movement message A code to identify the cargo/goods handling and movement message. |
IFCSUM | Forwarding and consolidation summary message A code to identify the forwarding and consolidation summary message. |
IFTCCA | Forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message A code to identify the forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message. |
IFTDGN | Dangerous goods notification message A code to identify the dangerous goods notification message. |
IFTFCC | International transport freight costs and other charges message A code to identify the international transport freight costs and other charges message. |
IFTIAG | Dangerous cargo list message A code to identify the dangerous cargo list message. |
IFTMAN | Arrival notice message A code to identify the arrival notice message. |
IFTMBC | Booking confirmation message A code to identify the booking confirmation message. |
IFTMBF | Firm booking message A code to identify the firm booking message. |
IFTMBP | Provisional booking message A code to identify the provisional booking message. |
IFTMCS | Instruction contract status message A code to identify the instruction contract status message. |
IFTMIN | Instruction message A code to identify the instruction message. |
IFTRIN | Forwarding and transport rate information message A code to identify the forwarding and transport rate information message. |
IFTSAI | Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message A code to identify the forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message. |
IFTSTA | International multimodal status report message A code to identify the international multimodal status report message. |
IFTSTQ | International multimodal status request message A code to identify the international multimodal status request message. |
INSPRE | Insurance premium message A code to identify the insurance premium message. |
INVOIC | Invoice message A code to identify the invoice message. |
INVRPT | Inventory report message A code to identify the inventory report message. |
ITRRPT | In transit report detail message A code to identify the in transit report detail message. |
JAPRES | Job application result message A code to identify the job application result message. |
JINFDE | Job information demand message A code to identify the job information demand message. |
JOBAPP | Job application proposal message A code to identify the job application proposal message. |
JOBCON | Job order confirmation message A code to identify the job order confirmation message. |
JOBMOD | Job order modification message A code to identify the job order modification message. |
JOBOFF | Job order message A code to identify the job order message. |
MEDPID | Person identification message A code to identify the person identification message. |
MEDREQ | Medical service request message A code to identify the medical service request message. |
MEDRPT | Medical service report message A code to identify the medical service report message. |
MEQPOS | Means of transport and equipment position message A code to identify the means of transport and equipment position message. |
MOVINS | Stowage instruction message A code to identify the stowage instruction message. |
MSCONS | Metered services consumption report message A code to identify the metered services consumption report message. |
ORDCHG | Purchase order change request message A code to identify the purchase order change request message. |
ORDERS | Purchase order message A code to identify the purchase order message. |
ORDRSP | Purchase order response message A code to identify the purchase order response message. |
OSTENQ | Order status enquiry message A code to identify the order status enquiry message. |
OSTRPT | Order status report message A code to identify the order status report message. |
PARTIN | Party information message A code to identify the party information message. |
PAXLST | Passenger list message A code to identify the passenger list message. |
PAYDUC | Payroll deductions advice message A code to identify the payroll deductions advice message. |
PAYEXT | Extended payment order message A code to identify the extended payment order message. |
PAYMUL | Multiple payment order message A code to identify the multiple payment order message. |
PAYORD | Payment order message A code to identify the payment order message. |
PRICAT | Price/sales catalogue message A code to identify the price/sales catalogue message. |
PRODAT | Product data message A code to identify the product data message. |
PRODEX | Product exchange reconciliation message A code to identify the product exchange reconciliation message. |
PROINQ | Product inquiry message A code to identify the product inquiry message. |
PRPAID | Insurance premium payment message A code to identify the insurance premium payment message. |
QALITY | Quality data message A code to identify the quality data message. |
QUOTES | Quote message A code to identify the quote message. |
RDRMES | Raw data reporting message A code to identify the raw data reporting message. |
REBORD | Reinsurance bordereau message A code to identify the reinsurance bordereau message. |
RECADV | Receiving advice message A code to identify the receiving advice message. |
RECALC | Reinsurance calculation message A code to identify the reinsurance calculation message. |
RECECO | Credit risk cover message A code to identify the credit risk cover message. |
RECLAM | Reinsurance claims message A code to identify the reinsurance claims message. |
REMADV | Remittance advice message A code to identify the remittance advice message. |
REPREM | Reinsurance premium message A code to identify the reinsurance premium message. |
REQDOC | Request for document message A code to identify the request for document message. |
REQOTE | Request for quote message A code to identify the request for quote message. |
RESETT | Reinsurance settlement message A code to identify the reinsurance settlement message. |
RESMSG | Reservation message A code to identify the reservation message. |
RETACC | Reinsurance technical account message A code to identify the reinsurance technical account message. |
SAFHAZ | Safety and hazard data message A code to identify the safety and hazard data message. |
SANCRT | International movement of goods governmental regulatory message A code to identify the international movement of goods governmental regulatory message. |
SLSFCT | Sales forecast message A code to identify the sales forecast message. |
SLSRPT | Sales data report message A code to identify the sales data report message. |
SSIMOD | Modification of identity details message A code to identify the modification of identity details message. |
SSRECH | Worker's insurance history message A code to identify the worker's insurance history message. |
SSREGW | Notification of registration of a worker message A code to identify the notification of registration of a worker message. |
STATAC | Statement of account message A code to identify the statement of account message. |
SUPCOT | Superannuation contributions advice message A code to identify the superannuation contributions advice message. |
SUPMAN | Superannuation maintenance message A code to identify the superannuation maintenance message. |
SUPRES | Supplier response message A code to identify the supplier response message. |
TANSTA | Tank status report message A code to identify the tank status report message. |
VATDEC | Value added tax message A code to identify the value added tax message. |
VESDEP | Vessel departure message A code to identify the vessel departure message. |
WASDIS | Waste disposal information message A code to identify the waste disposal information message. |
WKGRDC | Work grant decision message A code to identify the work grant decision message. |
WKGRRE | Work grant request message A code to identify the work grant request message. |