7233 Packaging related information, coded

Code giving packaging, handling and marking related information.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
34Product marking
35Type of package
36Package specifications
37Package protection
Description to be provided.
39Platform/skid location
Description to be provided.
40Bearing piece location
Description to be provided.
41Skid/pallet type
Description to be provided.
42Placement on carrier
Description to be provided.
43Spacing directions
Descriptions to be provided.
44Unloading device
Description to be provided.
45Unloading equipment
50Package barcoded EAN-13 or EAN-8
The package is barcoded with EAN-13 or EAN-8 code.
51Package barcoded ITF-14 or ITF-6
The package is barcoded with ITF-14 or ITF-6 code.
52Package barcoded UCC or EAN-128
The package is barcoded with UCC or EAN-128 code.
53Package price marked
The package is marked with the price.
54Product ingredients marked on package
The ingredients of the product contained in a package are marked on that package.
55Core characteristics
Specifies the characteristics of the core of the package.
60Product marking pattern
61Product marking location
62Package/container mark location
63Marking method
66Receiving facility limitations
Description to be provided.
67Tagging/bar code instructions
Description to be provided.
68Shipping package labelling
69Shipping package sealing

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