TCC Transport charge/rate calculations
To specify charges.
Coded description of freight charges and other charges (used in combination with 1131/3055).
Use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 2
Freight costs and charges. If not applicable, use appropriate code in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Plain language statement describing freight and other charges.
Code indicating whether freight item amount is prepaid or to be collected.
A number allocated to a group or item.
Identification of the rate/tariff class.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Description of applicable rate/tariff class.
Code identifying supplementary rate/tariff.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying supplementary rate/tariff.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying goods for Customs, transport or statistical purposes (generic term).
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Identification of the rate/tariff class.
User or association defined code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of a code list.
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.