5463 Allowance or charge qualifier

Specification of an allowance or charge for the service specified.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
BTotal other
The total for items other than those primarily reported upon in the message.
DAllowance per call of
ECharge per call of
FAllowance message
Allowance is related to the entire message.
GAllowance line items
Allowance is related to all line items in a message as a default allowance. It may be overridden per line item.
HLine item allowance
Allowance is related to a line item. It can override a default allowance.
KCharge message
Charge is related to the entire message.
LCharge line items
Charge is related to all line items in a message as a default charge. It may be overridden per line item.
MLine item charge
Charge is related to a line item. It can override a default charge.
NNo allowance or charge
No increases or reduction in price (list or stated) are included.
To be construed as allowing a difference not exceeding 10 % more or 10 % less than the amount which it refers.
PMinus (percentage)
The lesser value expressed in percentage.
QMinus (amount)
The lesser value expressed in amount.
RPlus (percentage)
The greater value expressed in percentage.
SPlus (amount)
The greater value expressed in amount.
TPlus/minus (percentage)
The greater/lesser value expressed in percentage.
UPlus/minus (amount)
The greater/lesser value expressed in amount.
VNo allowance
WNo charge
Highest possible value; maximum; not exceeding; up to.
Indicates that this is the exact amount.

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