7383 Surface or layer code

Code specifying the surface or layer of an object.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
1SSide one
The location is side one.
2SSide two
The location is side two.
AAOn surface
To indicate that the entity being specified is on the surface.
ABOff surface
To indicate that the entity being specified is off the surface.
Specifies that the surface/layer/position being described is the soluble portion.
ADOpposite corners
The surface or layer of the product being described is the opposite corners.
AECorner Diagonals
The surface or layer of the product being described are the corner diagonals.
The left-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat or aircraft.
The right-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat or aircraft.
AHTooth facial surface
Surface of a tooth directed toward the face and opposite the lingual surface.
AITooth incisal surface
Surface of the tooth relating to the cutting edge of the anterior teeth, incisors or canines.
AJTooth distal surface
Surface of the tooth toward the back of the dental arch, or away from the midline.
AKTooth buccal surface
Surface of the tooth pertaining to or around the cheek.
ALTooth occlusal surface
Surface of the tooth pertaining to the masticating surfaces of the posterior teeth.
AMTooth lingual surface
Surface of the tooth pertaining to or around the tongue.
ANTooth mesial surface
Surface of the tooth toward the midline of the dental arch.
BCBack of cab
The location is at the back of the cab.
BSBoth sides
The location is both sides.
The location is on the bottom.
DFDual fuel tank positions
The location is in the dual fuel tank positions.
The location is in the front.
The location is in the inside.
The location is on the left.
The location is overall.
OSOne side
The location is on one side.
The location is on the outside.
The location is on the right.
The location is in the rear.
STSpare tyre position
The location is the spare tyre position.
TBTank bottom
The location is at the tank bottom.
The location is on the top.
TSTwo sides
The location is on two sides.
UCUnder cab
The location is under the cab.

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