4461 Payment means code

Code identifying a means of payment.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
1Instrument not defined
Not defined legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties (expressing a contractual right or a right to the payment of money).
2Automated clearing house credit
A credit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
3Automated clearing house debit
A debit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
4ACH demand debit reversal
A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a demand deposit account.
5ACH demand credit reversal
A request to reverse a credit transaction to a demand deposit account.
6ACH demand credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
7ACH demand debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
Indicates that the bank should hold the payment for collection by the beneficiary or other instructions.
9National or regional clearing
Indicates that the payment should be made using the national or regional clearing.
10In cash
Payment by currency (including bills and coins) in circulation, including checking account deposits.
11ACH savings credit reversal
A request to reverse an ACH credit transaction to a savings account.
12ACH savings debit reversal
A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a savings account.
13ACH savings credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
14ACH savings debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
15Bookentry credit
A credit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house credit.
16Bookentry debit
A debit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house debit.
17ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
18ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
19ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
Payment by a pre-printed form on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
21Banker's draft
Issue of a banker's draft in payment of the funds.
22Certified banker's draft
Cheque drawn by a bank on itself or its agent. A person who owes money to another buys the draft from a bank for cash and hands it to the creditor who need have no fear that it might be dishonoured.
23Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment)
Payment by a pre-printed form, which has been completed by a financial institution, on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
24Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance
Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor but not yet accepted by the debtor.
25Certified cheque
Payment by a pre-printed form stamped with the paying bank's certification on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient .
26Local cheque
Indicates that the cheque is given local to the recipient.
27ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
28ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTX payment format.
29ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand account using the CTX payment format.
30Credit transfer
Payment by credit movement of funds from one account to another.
31Debit transfer
Payment by debit movement of funds from one account to another.
32ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
33ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
34ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD)
A consumer credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
35ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
36ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD payment format.
37ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
38ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
39ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
40ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
41ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit
A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
42Payment to bank account
Payment by an arrangement for settling debts that is operated by the Post Office.
43ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit
A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
44Accepted bill of exchange
Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor and accepted by the debtor.
45Referenced home-banking credit transfer
A referenced credit transfer initiated through home- banking.
46Interbank debit transfer
A debit transfer via interbank means.
47Home-banking debit transfer
A debit transfer initiated through home-banking.
48Bank card
Payment by means of a card issued by a bank or other financial institution.
49Direct debit
The amount is to be, or has been, directly debited to the customer's bank account.
50Payment by postgiro
A method for the transmission of funds through the postal system rather than through the banking system.
51FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for Banking Standards) - Option A
A French standard procedure that allows a debtor to pay an amount due to a creditor. The creditor will forward it to its bank, which will collect the money on the bank account of the debtor.
52Urgent commercial payment
Payment order which requires guaranteed processing by the most appropriate means to ensure it occurs on the requested execution date, provided that it is issued to the ordered bank before the agreed cut-off time.
53Urgent Treasury Payment
Payment order or transfer which must be executed, by the most appropriate means, as urgently as possible and before urgent commercial payments.
54Credit card
Payment made by means of credit card.
55Debit card
Payment made by means of debit card.
Payment will be, or has been, made by bankgiro.
57Standing agreement
The payment means have been previously agreed between seller and buyer and thus are not stated again.
58SEPA credit transfer
Credit transfer inside the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) system.
59SEPA direct debit
Direct debit inside the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) system.
60Promissory note
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
61Promissory note signed by the debtor
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
62Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
63Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
64Promissory note signed by a bank
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
65Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another bank
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank and endorsed by another bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
66Promissory note signed by a third party
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
67Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a bank
Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
68Online payment service
Payment will be made or has been made by an online payment service.
69Transfer Advice
Transfer of an amount of money in the books of the account servicer. An advice should be sent back to the account owner.
70Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor
Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor.
74Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank
Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank.
75Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank
Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank.
76Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party
Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party.
77Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party
Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party.
78Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank
Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank.
91Not transferable banker's draft
Issue a bankers draft not endorsable.
92Not transferable local cheque
Issue a cheque not endorsable in payment of the funds.
93Reference giro
Ordering customer tells the bank to use the payment system 'Reference giro'. Used in the Finnish national banking system.
94Urgent giro
Ordering customer tells the bank to use the bank service 'Urgent Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
95Free format giro
Ordering customer tells the ordering bank to use the bank service 'Free Format Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
96Requested method for payment was not used
If the requested method for payment was or could not be used, this code indicates that.
97Clearing between partners
Amounts which two partners owe to each other to be compensated in order to avoid useless payments.
ZZZMutually defined
A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.

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