6311 Measurement purpose code qualifier

Code qualifying the purpose of the measurement.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
AAALine item measurement
Line item measurement specified by the Food and Drug Administration.
AABTransport conditions for delivery to distribution centre
Specified measurements refer to transport conditions for delivery to a distribution centre.
AACRetail container size
Size of a retail container in terms of volume.
AADOther US Government agency application
Measurement to be used by/for other United States government agencies.
[6314] To specify the value of a measurement.
AAFCustoms line item measurement
The measurement of a consignment or part for customs purpose.
AAGAlcohol content
The measurement of the alcohol content.
AAHDimensions total weight
The total weight of an identified dimension.
AAIItem weight
Weight at line item level.
AAJVisa quantity
Measurement reportable for visaed merchandise.
AAKLicence (quantity deducted)
Quantity to be written off from the total license amount.
AALCargo loaded
Total tonnage of cargo loaded onto the conveyance.
AAMCargo discharged
Total tonnage of cargo unloaded from the conveyance.
AANWeight of conveyance
Tonnage of conveyance.
AAOConveyance summer dead weight
Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the vessel.
AAPContainerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel.
AAQNon-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel.
AAR1st specified tariff quantity
Primary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
AAS2nd specified tariff quantity
Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
AAT3rd specified tariff quantity
Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
Commodity/product shipped or sold in discrete individual containers which may be accumulated in a larger package.
Physical measurement of a person.
Accuracy of the measurements being sent.
AAXConsignment measurement
Measurement related to a consignment; to be specified by the measurement code dimension value.
AAYPackage measurement
Measurements of package.
AAZHandling unit measurement
Measurements of handling unit.
ABAUnit of measure used for ordered quantities
The unit of measure in which ordered quantities are expressed.
ABBTransport conditions for delivery to market
Specified measurements refer to transport conditions for delivery to the market.
ABCStorage conditions to guarantee product freshness until best before date
Specified measurements refer to storage conditions to guarantee the product freshness until best before date.
The number of air exchanges per hour.
ABJOriginal unit of issue
A code identifying the original unit of issue.
ABKExternal dimension
The outer measurement of the referenced item or package.
ABLInternal dimension
The inner measurement of the referenced item or package.
ABMTest piece dimensions
The size of the test piece that was tested.
ABNAverage reading
Average reading of the test being reported on.
ABOComparison price measurement
A measurement used for comparison pricing purposes.
ABPUnit of measure per unit of issue
Provides the unit of measurement which is to be used for a given unit of issue.
ABQAir flow
The movement of air.
ABTSupplementary unit
Supplementary unit referring to the measurement reported.
Maximum number or amount.
ABVUnit of time
The specification of a specific unit of time.
ABWUnit of measure used for invoiced quantities
Unit of measure of invoiced quantity.
ABXUsable or consumable content
Measurement of usable or consumable contents.
ABYPayment cycle
Measurement of the period of time over which payment occurs.
ABZPlot size
The relative bigness of a plot or an allotment of land.
ACASpace occupied
Space taken up or filled.
ACBBuilding size
The relative bigness of a permanent fixed structure forming an enclosure.
ACCOffice size
The relative bigness of a room or building used for clerical or similar work.
ACDArea damaged
The size of an area that was damaged.
ACELand size
The relative bigness of an expanse of ground.
ACFIndustrial plant size
The relative bigness of a factory or facility used in an industrial process.
ACGInstalled capacity
The maximum amount that can be contained or produced.
ACHWarehouse size
The relative bigness of a structure in which things are temporarily stored.
ACIVolume to dispose
Volume to get rid of.
ACJVolume to produce
Volume which will be generated.
ACKCommodity size
The size name, dimensions, or weight of the commodity.
ACLFree surface moment
Effects of force caused by free-surface effects in partly-filled tanks.
ACMEstimated gross weight
Estimated weight (mass) of goods, including packing.
ACNFat content
A code to indicate the fat content of a product, e.g. cheese.
ACOTest measure value
Specification of a value which was measured for test purposes.
Dimensions or magnitude of an object.
ACQMaximum dimension using a functionality
Maximum dimension of an article using a functionality (e.g. extendable sofabed).
ACRMinimum dimension using a functionality
Minimum dimension of an article using a functionality (e.g. folding chair).
ACSMattress dimension
Dimension of a mattress, i.e. not the total dimension of the bed frame.
ACTSeat dimension
Seat dimension of a chair etc., not total dimension.
ASXSupplemental tariff classification quantity
Supplemental quantity reportable for a tariff number.
ASY1st specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b)
The first reportable quantity associated with a tariff number for goods classified under general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c).
ASZ2nd specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b)
Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff classification for goods classified under harmonized tariff schedule general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c).
ATA3rd specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b)
Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff classification for goods classified under harmonized tariff schedule general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c).
ATBShowroom size
The relative bigness of a room used for display.
Measurement of reserves maintained.
ATDHeight reference point
The point from which the reference height is determined.
ATEAvailable for cultivation
The purpose is to measure the availability for cultivation.
The given measurement value identifies the amount or percentage of a specific chemical within a substance.
CHWChargeable weight
The weight on which charges are based.
CNCore notch dimensions
The notch dimensions of a core.
CSCore size
The size of a core.
The measurement is counts.
Code to indicate the mass of a commodity per unit of volume.
DTDimensional tolerance
Possible range of values for a specified measurement dimension of a product, material or package.
DVDiscrete measurement value
The measurement specified is separate and distinct from other measurements.
DXDimension used in price extension
Dimension will be used in conjunction with price extension.
ENEnvironmental conditions
The data values to be reported reflect the environmental conditions surrounding a situation including but not limited to test environments.
Length or distance in feet.
IVInterpolated value
The value based on interpolation.
LAOVessel overall length
Total overall length of the vessel.
LCLimited weight/size coils
Measurement identifying weight or size limit of coils.
LGLLength limitations
Indicates that value/range information is understood as length limitation.
LLLift limitation
A measurement indicating lift capacity limitations.
LMTLoading meters
The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for the goods.
The revenue-producing load carried by a means of transport.
PCParting cut (sawcut)
Cut identifying parts of an item probably for separation.
PDPhysical dimensions (product ordered)
Specified measurement dimensions refer to physical dimensions of a product, material or package.
PLPackage limitations
A measurement indicating limitations associated with the package.
PLLPlatform limitation
A measurement indicating limitations in relation to a platform.
RLReceiving facility limitations
Specified measurement dimensions are provided as a result of limitations or restrictions related to the physical dimensions of a product, material or package at the reception point.
SEProperty specification
Indicates that the data to follow are target specifications.
SHShipping tolerance
Tolerances related to shipping.
The degree to which a colour is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated.
SOStorage limitation
A measurement indicating limitation in relation to storage.
SRSurface roughness
The measurement of roughness of a surface.
STSurface treatment
The attribute being measured is the surface treatment.
Surface area of an object.
SVSpecification value
A measurable item characteristic specified by the buyer, seller or third party.
The measured attribute is temperature.
TLTransportation equipment limitations
A measurement indicating limitations in relation to transportation equipment.
TRTest result
Indicates that the data to follow is the test result measurements.
Size or measure of anything in three dimensions.
The measured attribute is weight.
WXWeight used in price extension
Weight will be used in conjunction with price extension.

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