7007 Physical or logical state description code

Code specifying a physical or logical state.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
Separated into multiple units.
Absent or lacking.
3Wrong identification
The actual identification is different from the given identification.
In a damaged state.
5Good condition
In a state of good condition.
6Wrong product
The product is wrong.
7On hold
Held, awaiting further action.
The object is in a proposed state.
The object is in an accepted state.
The object is in a scheduled state.
The object is in a completed state.
The object is in a rejected state.
The object is in a postponed state.
The object is in a cancelled state.
The object is obsolete.
Retaining the original properties, not impaired by spoilage or preservation.
The object is defective or faulty.
A substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container.
Matter in a state where it occupies whatever volume is available.
Matter in a state where it maintains a fixed volume but adapts to the shape of its container.
21Return goods
Identified goods are to be returned according to specified conditions.
22Dispose of goods
The identified goods are to be disposed of.
23Destroy goods
The identified goods are to be destroyed.
24Repair goods
The identified goods are to be repaired.
25Hold for examination
The identified goods are to be held for examination.
26Return refused
The return of the identified goods has been refused.

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