6087 Result value type code qualifier
Code qualifying the type of a result value.
- Type
- String (AN)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 3
- Codes
Code Description 1 Measurement result Measurement result.2 Bank accounts history assessment The conclusion resulting from an assessment of bank accounts over time.3 Credit level The resultant assignment of a credit level based on an assessment of credit worthiness.4 Credit rating assessment The resultant assignment of a credit rating based on an assessment of credit worthiness.5 Credit worthiness assessment The resulting assessment of credit worthiness.6 Liquidity assessment The resulting assessment of liquidity.7 Loan payment history The resulting assessment of loan payment history.8 Overall evaluation The summarization of the overall assessment.9 Financial conditions The resulting assessment of financial conditions.10 Trade payments The resulting assessment of trade payments.11 Failure risk score ranking The resulting ranking based on one entity's failure risk score as compared to other entities.12 Failure risk score Score representing the risk of an entity failing.13 Business financing resources assessment The resulting assessment of resources used for financing a business.14 Payment delinquency risk score The resulting assessment of the risk of an entity having delinquent payments.15 Payment delinquency performance score The resulting assessment of the entity's actual delinquent payments.16 Payment delinquency score ranking The resulting ranking of one entity's payment delinquency score as compared to other entities.17 Payment delinquency assessment The resulting assessment of delinquencies as they relate to all entities.18 Average trade payment for all entities The assessment of average trade payments for all entities.19 Revenue ranking The resulting ranking based on revenue.20 Sales growth ranking The resulting ranking based on sales growth.21 Asset ranking The resulting ranking based on assets.22 Profit margin ranking The resulting ranking based on profit margin.23 Post tax profit ranking The resulting ranking based on after taxes profit.24 Import and export ranking The resulting ranking based on imports and exports.25 Projected trade payments The resulting assessment of projected trade payments.26 Invoice collection The resulting assessment based on the collection of invoices.
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