7161 Special service description code
Code specifying a special service.
- Type
- String (AN)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 3
- Codes
Code Description AA Advertising The service of providing advertising.AAA Telecommunication The service of providing telecommunication activities and/or faclities.AAC Technical modification The service of making technical modifications to a product.AAD Job-order production The service of producing to order.AAE Outlays The service of providing money for outlays on behalf of a trading partner.AAF Off-premises The service of providing services outside the premises of the provider.AAH Additional processing The service of providing additional processing.AAI Attesting The service of certifying validity.AAS Acceptance The service of accepting goods or services.AAT Rush delivery The service to provide a rush delivery.AAV Special construction The service of providing special construction.AAY Airport facilities The service of providing airport facilities.AAZ Concession The service allowing a party to use another party's facilities.ABA Compulsory storage The service provided to hold a compulsory inventory.ABB Fuel removal Remove or off-load fuel from vehicle, vessel or craft.ABC Into plane Service of delivering goods to an aircraft from local storage.ABD Overtime The service of providing labour beyond the established limit of working hours.ABF Tooling The service of providing specific tooling.ABK Miscellaneous Miscellaneous services.ABL Additional packaging The service of providing additional packaging.ABN Dunnage The service of providing additional padding materials required to secure and protect a cargo within a shipping container.ABR Containerisation The service of packing items into a container.ABS Carton packing The service of packing items into a carton.ABT Hessian wrapped The service of hessian wrapping.ABU Polyethylene wrap packing The service of packing in polyethylene wrapping.ACF Miscellaneous treatment Miscellaneous treatment service.ACG Enamelling treatment The service of providing enamelling treatment.ACH Heat treatment The service of treating with heat.ACI Plating treatment The service of providing plating treatment.ACJ Painting The service of painting.ACK Polishing The service of polishing.ACL Priming The service of priming.ACM Preservation treatment The service of preservation treatment.ACS Fitting Fitting service.ADC Consolidation The service of consolidating multiple consignments into one shipment.ADE Bill of lading The service of providing a bill of lading document.ADJ Airbag The service of surrounding a product with an air bag.ADK Transfer The service of transferring.ADL Slipsheet The service of securing a stack of products on a slipsheet.ADM Binding Binding service.ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package The service of repairing or replacing a broken returnable package.ADO Efficient logistics A code indicating efficient logistics services.ADP Merchandising A code indicating that merchandising services are in operation.ADQ Product mix A code indicating that product mixing services are in operation.ADR Other services A code indicating that other non-specific services are in operation.ADT Pick-up The service of picking up or collection of goods.ADW Chronic illness The special services provided due to chronic illness.ADY New product introduction A service provided by a buyer when introducing a new product from a suppliers range to the range traded by the buyer.ADZ Direct delivery Direct delivery service.AEA Diversion The service of diverting deliverables.AEB Disconnect The service is a disconnection.AEC Distribution Distribution service.AED Handling of hazardous cargo A service for handling hazardous cargo.AEF Rents and leases The service of renting and/or leasing.AEH Location differential Delivery to a different location than previously contracted.AEI Aircraft refueling Fuel being put into the aircraft.AEJ Fuel shipped into storage Fuel being shipped into a storage system.AEK Cash on delivery The provision of a cash on delivery (COD) service.AEL Small order processing service A service related to the processing of small orders.AEM Clerical or administrative services The provision of clerical or administrative services.AEN Guarantee The service of providing a guarantee.AEO Collection and recycling The service of collection and recycling products.AEP Copyright fee collection The service of collecting copyright fees.AES Veterinary inspection service The service of providing veterinary inspection.AET Pensioner service Special service when the subject is a pensioner.AEU Medicine free pass holder Special service when the subject holds a medicine free pass.AEV Environmental protection service The provision of an environmental protection service.AEW Environmental clean-up service The provision of an environmental clean-up service.AEX National cheque processing service outside account area Service of processing a national cheque outside the ordering customer's bank trading area.AEY National payment service outside account area Service of processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account outside the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.AEZ National payment service within account area Service of processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account within the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.AJ Adjustments The service of making adjustments.AU Authentication The service of authenticating.CA Cataloguing The provision of cataloguing services.CAB Cartage Movement of goods by heavy duty cart or vehicle.CAD Certification The service of certifying.CAE Certificate of conformance The service of providing a certificate of conformance.CAF Certificate of origin The service of providing a certificate of origin.CAI Cutting The service of cutting.CAJ Consular service The service provided by consulates.CAK Customer collection The service of collecting goods by the customer.CAL Payroll payment service Provision of a payroll payment service.CAM Cash transportation Provision of a cash transportation service.CAN Home banking service Provision of a home banking service.CAO Bilateral agreement service Provision of a service as specified in a bilateral special agreement.CAP Insurance brokerage service Provision of an insurance brokerage service.CAQ Cheque generation Provision of a cheque generation service.CAR Preferential merchandising location Service of assigning a preferential location for merchandising.CAS Crane The service of providing a crane.CAT Special colour service Providing a colour which is different from the default colour.CAU Sorting The provision of sorting services.CD Car loading Car loading service.CG Cleaning Cleaning service.CS Cigarette stamping The service of providing cigarette stamping.CT Count and recount The service of doing a count and recount.DAB Layout/design The service of providing layout/design.DAD Driver assigned unloading The service of unloading by the driver.DL Delivery The service of providing delivery.EG Engraving The service of providing engraving.EP Expediting The service of expediting.ER Exchange rate guarantee The service of guaranteeing exchange rate.FAA Fabrication The service of providing fabrication.FAB Freight equalization The service of load balancing.FAC Freight extraordinary handling The service of providing freight's extraordinary handling.FC Freight service The service of moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another.FH Filling/handling The service of providing filling/handling.FI Financing The service of providing financing.GAA Grinding The service of grinding.HAA Hose The service of providing a hose.HD Handling Handling service.HH Hoisting and hauling The service of hoisting and hauling.IAA Installation The service of installing.IAB Installation and warranty The service of installing and providing warranty.ID Inside delivery The service of providing delivery inside.IF Inspection The service of inspection.IR Installation and training The service of providing installation and training.IS Invoicing The service of providing an invoice.KO Koshering The service of preparing food in accordance with Jewish law.L1 Carrier count The service of counting by the carrier.LA Labelling Labelling service.LAA Labour The service to provide required labour.LAB Repair and return The service of repairing and returning.LF Legalisation The service of legalising.MAE Mounting The service of mounting.MI Mail invoice The service of mailing an invoice.ML Mail invoice to each location The service of mailing an invoice to each location.NAA Non-returnable containers The service of providing non-returnable containers.OA Outside cable connectors The service of providing outside cable connectors.PA Invoice with shipment The service of including the invoice with the shipment.PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment) The service of phosphatizing the steel.PC Packing The service of packing.PL Palletizing The service of palletizing.RAB Repacking The service of repacking.RAC Repair The service of repairing.RAD Returnable container The service of providing returnable containers.RAF Restocking The service of restocking.RE Re-delivery The service of re-delivering.RF Refurbishing The service of refurbishing.RH Rail wagon hire The service of providing rail wagons for hire.RV Loading The service of loading goods.SA Salvaging The service of salvaging.SAA Shipping and handling The service of shipping and handling.SAD Special packaging The service of special packaging.SAE Stamping The service of stamping.SAI Consignee unload The service of unloading by the consignee.SG Shrink-wrap The service of shrink-wrapping.SH Special handling The service of special handling.SM Special finish The service of providing a special finish.SU Set-up The service of setting-up.TAB Tank renting The service of providing tanks for hire.TAC Testing The service of testing.TT Transportation - third party billing The service of providing third party billing for transportation.TV Transportation by vendor The service of providing transportation by the vendor.V1 Drop yard The service of delivering goods at the yard.V2 Drop dock The service of delivering goods at the dock.WH Warehousing The service of storing and handling of goods in a warehouse.XAA Combine all same day shipment The service of combining all shipments for the same day.YY Split pick-up The service of providing split pick-up.ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
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