7085 Cargo type classification code

Code specifying the classification of a type of cargo.

String (AN)
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Printed, typed or written matter including leaflets, pamphlets, certificates etc., which are not subject to import duties and taxes, restrictions and prohibitions.
2Low value non-dutiable consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods in respect of which Customs duties and other taxes are waived as they are below a value determined by the Customs administration.
3Low value dutiable consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods in respect of which Customs duties and other taxes are payable are below a certain amount as determined by the Customs administration.
4High value consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods which are determined as having a value above a certain amount fixed by the Customs administration, which may or may not attract duties and taxes.
5Other non-containerized
Non-containerized cargo which cannot be categorized by any of the other nature of cargo code.
Vehicles which are not stowed in containers.
7Roll-on roll-off
Cargo transported or to be transported on roll-on roll- off vessels and which is transportable on its own wheels or stowed on special heavy duty trailers.
Non-containerized cargo which is palletized.
Cargo stowed or to be stowed in a container.
Non-containerized cargo stowed in vessels' holds.
11Hazardous cargo
Cargo with dangerous properties, according to appropriate dangerous goods regulations.
12General cargo
Cargo of a general nature, not otherwise specified.
13Liquid cargo
Cargo in liquid form.
14Temperature controlled cargo
Cargo transported under specified temperature conditions.
15Environmental pollutant cargo
Cargo is an environmental pollutant.
16Not-hazardous cargo
Cargo which is not hazardous.
Cargo transported under diplomatic conditions.
Cargo for military purposes.
Cargo that is objectionable to human senses.
20Out of gauge
Cargo that has at least one non-standard dimension.
21Household goods and personal effects
Cargo consisting of household goods and personal effects.
22Frozen cargo
Cargo of frozen products.

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