4221 Discrepancy nature identification code
Code specifying the identification used to define the nature of a discrepancy.
- Type
- String (AN)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 3
- Codes
Code Description AA Item discontinued by wholesaler The wholesaler no longer offers the ordered product.AB Item no longer produced The item ordered has been discontinued and is no longer in production.AC Over-shipped Code indicating that there was an excess quantity of goods in a shipment relative to the order.AD Item out of stock at manufacturer The item is out of stock at manufacturer.AE Delivered but not advised Shipment or goods have been delivered without any advance notification of delivery.AF Goods delivered damaged Part or all of the goods in a shipment were delivered damaged.AG Delivered too late Delivered but at a later date than the delivery date under the agreed conditions or stipulated in the order.AH Next higher packaging quantity The ordered item has been, or is to be, packed to the next higher packaging quantity.AN Available now - no shipping schedule The material is available for shipment but there is no authorization for movement known.AS Available now - scheduled to ship (date) The material is available for shipment and is committed for shipment/delivery at a future date.BK Back ordered from previous order An order is being held as no material is available to fulfil the requirement.BP Shipment partial - back order to follow A portion of the previous order is being held as open, as enough material was not available to fulfil the requirement.CA Customer inquiry - all items The response includes information concerning all of the issues included in the prior inquiry.CC Shipment complete The quantity dispatched fulfilled the order quantity.CE Shipment includes extra items to meet price break The quantity dispatched exceeds the order quantity to accommodate a quantity of scale price model opportunity.CI Customer inquiry - shipped items only The response includes information addressing only of the items dispatched that were included in the prior inquiry.CK Cancelled from previous order Amount deleted from the earlier schedule.CM Shipment complete with additional quantity The quantity dispatched exceeds the ordered quantity.CN Next carrier, PVE - (date) CO Customer inquiry - unshipped items only The response includes information addressing only the items that have not been dispatched, that were included in the prior inquiry.CP Shipment partial - considered complete, no backorder The quantity shipped is less than the amount authorized and there is no plan to ship the remaining amount.CS Shipment complete with substitution The quantity and product shipped, though not exactly matching the original order, is compliant with and fulfils the expectation.IC Item cancelled The material previously ordered is no longer needed.IS Item represents substitution from original order The quantity and product shipped is compliant with the expectation.LS Last shipment (date) The date that the most recent material dispatch was made.NF Not yet published The product requested is not publicly available at this time.NN Not in process - no shipping schedule The product requested is neither available nor in process, as there is not an authorization to manufacture product.NS Not in process - schedule to ship (date) The product requested is neither available nor in process. A planned dispatch date has been provided.OF Order sent to factory for production (date) The product requested is not available. The schedule has been forwarded to manufacturing for inclusion on this date.OM Item sent to factory for production (date) The product has been moved to the manufacturing area and scheduled for completion on the following date.OP Out of print Item is no longer available.OS Item out of stock because of strike or force majeure Item is not available due to strike or an unforeseeable event.OW Item out of stock at wholesaler Item is not available at the distribution point.PA Purchase order inquiry - all items The response includes information concerning all of the articles included in the prior inquiry that had been requested by the contact initiator.PD Purchase order complete The amount fulfilling the requirements of the contract.PI Purchase order inquiry - shipped items only The response includes information concerning all of the articles that were dispatched and included in the prior inquiry that had been requested by the contact initiator.PK Packed-to-date (date) Quantity represents the amount processed and ready for shipment at this date.PN In process - no shipping schedule This amount is being manufactured in anticipation for a possible authorization for shipment.PO Purchase order inquiry - unshipped items only The response includes information concerning all of the articles that were not dispatched and included in the prior inquiry that had been requested by the contact initiator.PP Purchase order inquiry - specific items The response includes information concerning a unique sub-set of the total list of articles that the contract initiator had requested information on.PS In process - scheduled to ship (date) This amount is being manufactured in anticipation for a possible authorization for shipment.RA Item rationed Product is restricted because of limited availability.SL Shipped-to-date (date) Cumulative amount shipped through this date.SP Scheduled for production at factory Product is anticipated for manufacture on this date.SS Split shipment Shipment is only part of the ordered quantity.TW Item temporary discontinued by wholesaler Product is, for the time being, not available from the distribution point.UR Unsolicited report The product information was provided voluntarily.US Pack to closest complete logistic packaging quantity Pack to the closest complete logistic packaging quantity.UT Pack to next lower complete logistic quantity Pack to the next lower complete logistic packaging quantity.ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
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