RSL Result
To specify a discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range.
Code qualifying the type of a result value.
Code specifying the representation of a result.
To specify the value of a measurement.
Code specifying the significance of a measurement.
Code specifying the name of a non-discrete measurement.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Name of a non-discrete measurement.
To specify the value of a measurement.
Code specifying the significance of a measurement.
Code specifying the name of a non-discrete measurement.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Name of a non-discrete measurement.
Code specifying the name of a measurement unit.
1 See UN/ECE Recommendation 20.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Name of a measurement unit.
Code specifying the degree of conformance to a standard.