E968 Document information
Identification of a document by coded name, number, classification and place of issue.
Code specifying the document name.
1 Users should note that code values marked as additions or changes are included pending approval by the 1001 Maintenance Agency and may be disapproved or changed. The results of this review will be reflected in a future version of the draft directory.
To identify a document.
Code specifying the value of a characteristic.
1 User or association defined code may be used in association with 1131/3055.
Code specifying the name of the location.
1 Use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 1
UNLOCODE. If not applicable, use appropriate code set in combination with 1131/3055.
Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166.
1 Use ISO 3166 two alpha country code.
Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166.
1 Use ISO 3166 two alpha country code.
Name of a city.