8155 Equipment size and type description code

Code specifying the size and type of equipment.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 10
1Dime coated tank
2Epoxy coated tank
Description to be provided.
Description to be provided.
Description to be provided.
6Pressurized tank
7Refrigerated tank
9Stainless steel tank
10Nonworking reefer container 40 ft
A 40 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
11Box pallet
80 x 120 cm.
13Scandinavian pallet
100 x 120 cm.
Non self-propelled vehicle designed for the carriage of cargo so that it can be towed by a motor vehicle.
15Nonworking reefer container 20 ft
A 20 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.
16Exchangeable pallet
Standard pallet exchangeable following international convention.
Non self propelled vehicle without front wheels designed for the carriage of cargo and provided with a kingpin.
18Tank container 20 feet
A tank container with a length of 20 feet.
19Tank container 30 feet
A tank container with a length of 30 feet.
20Tank container 40 feet
A tank container with a length of 40 feet.
21Container IC 20 feet
A container owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 20 feet.
22Container IC 30 feet
A container owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 30 feet.
23Container IC 40 feet
A container owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 40 feet.
24Refrigerated tank 20 feet
A refrigerated tank with a length of 20 feet.
25Refrigerated tank 30 feet
A refrigerated tank with a length of 30 feet.
26Refrigerated tank 40 feet
A refrigerated tank with a length of 40 feet.
27Tank container IC 20 feet
A tank container owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 20 feet.
28Tank container IC 30 feet
A tank container owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 30 feet.
29Tank container IC 40 feet
A tank container, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 40 feet.
30Refrigerated tank IC 20 feet
A refrigerated tank owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 20 feet.
31Temperature controlled container 30 ft.
Temperature controlled container measuring 30 feet.
32Refrigerated tank IC 40 feet
A refrigerated tank owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary, with a length of 40 feet.
33Movable case: L < 6,15m
A movable case with a length less than 6,15 metres.
34Movable case: 6,15m < L < 7,82m
A movable case with a length between 6,15 metres and 7,82 metres.
35Movable case: 7,82m < L < 9,15m
A movable case with a length between 7,82 metres and 9,15 metres.
36Movable case: 9,15m < L < 10,90m
A movable case with a length between 9,15 metres and 10,90 metres.
37Movable case: 10,90m < L < 13,75m
A movable case with a length between 10,90 metres and 13,75 metres.
A steel open top unit of about 1,5 * 1,5 * 2,5 meters for road transport of bulk cargo.
39Temperature controlled container 20 ft
Temperature controlled container measuring 20 feet.
40Temperature controlled container 40 ft
A temperature controlled container measuring 40 feet.
41Non working refrigerated (reefer) container 30ft.
A 30 foot refrigerated (reefer) container that is not actively cooling the product.
42Dual trailers
Two trailers linked together one behind another and pulled by one tractor.
4320 ft IL container (open top)
An open top container that is 20 feet in internal length.
4420 ft IL container (closed top)
A closed top container that is 20 feet in internal length.
4540 ft IL container (closed top)
A closed top container that is 40 feet in internal length.

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